My Modest Proposal | Teen Ink

My Modest Proposal

January 31, 2019
By Anonymous

-An honest, effective way to solve all kinds of human problems and conflicts: wars; politics; global warming, etc.

 Since the beginning of human civilization, we, humans were facing all kinds of challenges, depressions, which caused conflicts and disagreements on the solution. The fundamental reason of that is that we, humans always want more than we had, whether it's physical, or mental because when we had something for long enough, we started “getting used to it”. During the process of getting more than we had, our interest often overlaps with other people’s benefit. Since the resources we had is limited. The conflict started to breed. This problem was there and still, exist in our civilization. Unfortunately, our narrative solution has already shaped our social structure and how we think. As time pass by, and as advancing, technology keeps unlocking more resources to individuals, this problem is only getting worse.

 If people stop reproducing, human will eventually die off. The living people should do whatever they want until they die. When human races die off, all the unsolvable will be solved.

 First, take a moment and stop doing whatever you are doing, and stop thinking about what you are thinking. Think about these questions, where are you in this world and this universe? Where are you in this society? Take a look at your past life, what are you doing with your life? Have you even thought about that? As an individual in this society, you and most of the others are hopelessly living without any real meaning. You are simply laboring with a job and “educated” to serve your society. You and I are just so hopelessly lacking the power to change this fact.  Look at the timeline of human civilization, there is an obvious fact: structure being built, the structure is destroyed. An old Chinese quote says: “Those long divided shall be united; those long united shall be divided:” As proverbs in the bible said: “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” We often have a certain respect for ant, because of our society honor and value the “spirit” of ants: hard-working, selfless..etc. But have you ever removed an ant nest? Do you see how hopeless those ants are? They are trying to do their best to protect their queen, their home, their “civilization”. But what is that going to do? NOTHING. And you, who removed the ant nest, may feel bad for a second, and moving on with your life. What is the difference between your job and that ant’s job? When those old human civilization started falling from the glory and great triumph, people who is trying to save it tried so hard, to save, the social structure, to save, their home. But it’s simply unrealistic as time pass by, to stop the inevitable. Rather than work for the whole life, which is short and painful, trying to solve these problems sometime don’t even matter to you, and when you die pass it to your kid, it seems just more rational to stop against this army with infinite soldiers, and just, let it stop.

 Second, humans usually last around 60 years, and the funny thing is we often are so “worried about the future” that we missed the most valuable and important part of our life, which is right now. We were educated in a way, that encourage planning and work hard for your future, and that is terribly misleading. When we go to school we are told: “study hard now, so you can go to a good college in your future”. When we go to college we were told: “study hard now, so you can get a good job”. When we go to the workplace we were told: “work hard now, so you can get a better job with more salary in the future”. This horrible cycle goes on and on and on. Til we retired, we can finally stop, but where and when exactly, is future that was promised to us? Look around you will find how alone and helpless you are. The future we are spending our life for doesn’t even exist, for some it’s even a hell. When, WHEN will we stop working for a moment and just look around and enjoy the side view. Sadly, we were told the answer to that and it sticks to our mind since we are still a child: “never stop”.

 “Learn and enjoy the challenges and difficulties”, this quote is one of the most misleading of all. Why on earth should we enjoy these pain? This is just an excuse for someone, who can’t solve the problems once for all, to deceive himself.

 Are we a loser if we stopped trying? No, in fact, that is the truth in this universe, the only answer that will lead to eternity. When things are moving there are all kinds of motion, but when you stopped moving there is only one way. If you realized this fact, you just evolved to a higher level of recognition and understanding of the world. If the human race follows this advice, we will “die or disappear” physically from this world, but in exchange to that, is a home, for people to rest, a home, for us to imagine. At that point, you will be the past, the present, the future, and the dream we always had, the eternity.

The author's comments:

My name is Shijin (Sam). I am a sophomore in high school and live in Texas.

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