The Fall of the Roman Republic, Are We Next | Teen Ink

The Fall of the Roman Republic, Are We Next

February 17, 2019
By Anonymous

It is fascinating how people are so easily manipulated into thinking that everything a leader says and does is correct. Political manipulation and loyalty are just some of the vital points that tie into our government system. What factors play into the amount of control the government has over the people of Rome and the people of now. There are many similarities between the people of Rome and the U.S. today,  political control, The loyalty towards our political parties and or political leaders and why some political leaders and citizens switch political parties.

The people of Rome are very indecisive, and for that reason, they are subject to control. An instance where this occurs is during Brutus’s speech after Caesar's death. He tells the crowd that they made the decision to kill Caesar because of his ambition and that he was gaining power too quickly. However, the crowd did not seem to understand his this point because they said we should crown Brutus king. In the play, it states that Caesar’s better qualities exist in Brutus, and we will crown him King. In the same manner, we ask people the United States are subject to manipulation because of the way we pick political parties. Also, the people that are in these political parties just because of their ideas or their actions on specific topics.

    The people of Rome were quickly convinced by whatever another person said. This occurs when Anthony is speaking at Caesar’s funeral, and He tells the people Not to believe everything that the honorable Brutus has to say because, in reality, he did not kill Caesar for his ambition. He goes on to tell them the various ways of how Caesar was not ambitious. He mentions that when the poor cried, he cried with them and many other things that he did to prove that he was not ambitious. After all of the things that Anthony told the crowd about Brutus. They say that they will no longer crown Brutus king instead they will kill him and the rest of the conspiracy.

Similarly here in the United States were experiencing the same situation many of us citizens want our current president out of the office because of his actions and his way of thinking. Many of us when we elected him thought that he would not complete everything he said in his campaign. However, now we can see that he is doing everything he said in his campaign will do everything he can to continue doing it.  In his campaign, he mainly mentioned the countries that are South of our border and said that they were full of rapists, drug dealers and that they should stop coming into our country because they were causing problems. With this, he later on also limited immigration from other nations, but his primary target in his campaign was towards the countries South of our border.

There are many instances in which we as people of the United States tend to pick one political party over the other, but we do not pay attention to who is in control of that political party. Many of us that if we are Republican, we are always going to be Republican no matter what. Even if that person who is in control of the Republican Party is entirely wrong and it is the same way with being a Democrat. People who are Democratic think that they will never be Republican. In many cases, we do not notice that it does not matter. What matters is the person in charge of the political party and what they are going to do for our society our country not if we are Republican or Democratic.

An example being the last presidential election that we had in our country many of us voted based on our political party. We did not necessarily vote based on what the person in charge of that political party said they were going to do with our nation. It almost seemed that we did not even care what the future of our country was going to be or what is going to happen with our society. We just needed a new president no matter which political party they pertain to.  

The people of Rome were also very loyal to whoever was in power. An instance where we see that they were loyal to whoever was in control was when Caesar returned from the civil war with Pompeii. The people were thrilled that Caesar had beaten Pompeii and they were waiting to receive him with a big festival. In most cases, the people would have been sad because one of the rulers had been killed, but instead, they were pleased that Caesar had one and that he would become the overall ruler of Rome.  In the play, one of Pompeii's loyal supporter questioned some of the people in the streets. The people in the streets told Pompeii loyal supporter that they were waiting for Caesar because he had defeated be great Pompeii.

How fascinating can it be the current USA president switched his political party right before the election of 2016. It is shocking because most of us would have thought that he had been republican his whole life, but in reality, he had always supported the democratic party. According to Newsweek, Trump donated more money to Democrats than Republicans between 1989 and 2009. Many also said he did seem conservative and that he didn't have a  history that he was conservative. Also according to Newsweek During the 2016 campaign, one of Trump’s chief GOP rivals, Jeb Bush, leveled the accusation that “Mr. Trump doesn’t have a proven conservative record. One of the reasons he switched his political party was because the republican party favored his business more than the democratic party did but if this was true then why didn't he support the Republican Party since the beginning.

As we can see two the most important factors of the amount of control the government has over the people are political manipulation and loyalty.  The similarities in between Rome in the U.S. are political manipulation of the people, loyalty to the government system, and government leaders and citizens flip-flopping between political parties. Could it be that our nation’s government could end up in ruins like Rome’s government?

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