Wouldn't You Rather | Teen Ink

Wouldn't You Rather

December 7, 2021
By Jvust BRONZE, Austin, Manitoba
Jvust BRONZE, Austin, Manitoba
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is happiness? Where does it come from? In our modern age, such philosophical questions are often put in the back of our minds. With social media, more opinions and viewpoints are being flung about than ever before, and yet there is a prevalent lack of important, challenging questions that really challenge our thinking and our actions. Rather, it would seem that a great deal of people focus on the trends, what others consider important at the time, even if the supposed ‘‘importance’’ vanishes within a week. Ideals seem to be a thing of the past, people no longer focus on what they hold in esteem, what is truly important, but rather focus on pleasing others, trying to find validity and, by extension, happiness, in ultimately meaningless things.

Sell yourself short and buy a world of pain

Follow your bliss or pay the price

All of these lessons I’ve learned them so well

There is no gain worth the commerce of self

Media in our new age seems to put forth only one prevalent viewpoint: focus on yourself. Although not outrightly stated, all signs point towards it, such as fashion and self expression being such an esteemed value, or claims of how life is all about what you can get out of it. Ideals of a bigger picture, a vision of progress, have been replaced by focus on self gain and benefit.


Wouldn’t you rather

Live from the heart

A life that would matter

To be lived from the start

But even with such an overwhelming sense of selfishness, are we even doing what we desire? Are we doing what we hold dear, are we doing what makes us truly happy, are we following our ideals? Or are we just trying to find happiness in keeping up with the newest trends, or getting the most likes on a post, pleasing others in society? Do we really think that these ultimately meaningless things are where happiness is found? It seems people would rather pursue immediate satisfaction rather than long lasting happiness.

You wear an albatross around your neck

The spoils of war will bring you down

Heed my advice may you hear every word

Don’t sacrifice meaning for riches that burn

Wealth is also a common pursuit, however, people still don’t ask the question of where it comes from. In this futile pursuit of immediate satisfaction being equated to actual happiness and wealth, the community or society as a whole is hurt. Relationships can be damaged with such a self-centred view, always taking and never giving drains a relationship. With people focusing so much on pointless, selfish things, the needs of the poor and unfortunate are ignored far too often. People are too busy following the desires others praise and not helping those in need, or even stopping to think about what wealth or happiness really are, if the goals they yearn for are important.

All of these lessons I’ve learned for myself

There is no gain worth the commerce of self

A dream left for dead now a nightmare that feels like hell

And yet individuals cannot be blamed solely for harming the community (or society), as these pursuits are expected of them by the community. Society pushes this agenda of self gain upon others, pressuring them into adopting such views, lest they be alienated. Large corporations and businesses (social media platforms, fashion companies, etc.), benefit from pushing this view on others, as they essentially create a society of customers who believe that happiness is found in their products or trends. The capitalist society we live in bolsters and encourages this behaviour, as everyone is after consumers' interests, believing the very lie they parade around so much, that happiness is found in money, or having the most things. By doing this, society is harming itself, as people no longer care for the greater good, but only what they benefit from life.

I’d rather live from the heart

Lyrics from: Wouldn’t You Rather (2019) Walk The Sky, Alter Bridge

The author's comments:

Wouldn't you Rather is a braided essay written for my 40s English class. I decided to focus on modern philosophy for my topic, weaving lyrics from Alter Bridge's Wouldn't you Rather to help express my views on the topic. My teacher took a liking to my work and suggested I submit it for publication, so here we are!

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