Holodomor Topical Podcast Essay | Teen Ink

Holodomor Topical Podcast Essay

June 3, 2024
By dongwoo BRONZE, Reseda, California
dongwoo BRONZE, Reseda, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As we progress through history and time, the experiences of our past people should provide us with valuable insight and lessons that help us traverse the future. However, we must avoid using the past as a blueprint for the future. Repeating our past mistakes slows our progress into the future. In order for humanity as a whole to move forward and create a better future for ourselves, we must use the past as a stepping stone towards change and transformation, thus preventing us from repeating the same mistakes from our past that would prevent growth. 

The Holodomor, a catastrophic event that spanned from 1932 to 1933, was an act of cultural suppression against the Ukrainian people by Stalin and the USSR. Stalin feeling threatened by Ukraine’s strengthening cultural autonomy, took measures to destroy the Ukrainian peasantry and culture to prevent them from seeking independence. The measures taken consist of driving natives out of their farms, confiscating their food, and even deporting people to Siberia. They also deployed secret police to find and confiscate hidden food from households which led to further starvation. Stalin’s policies resulted in a man-made famine and eventually claimed the lives of millions of Ukrainians. This claimed the lives of millions of Ukrainian citizens, and it is hardly known today. 

History provides us with valuable lessons to guide us to a brighter future. To avoid repeating those mistakes, we must stay careful and recognize the mistakes of the past. This includes acknowledging the mistakes of the past and recognizing the roots of the mistakes, in order to not repeat tragedies like the Holodomor again. However, the Holodomor was forgotten, left aside, and not recognized by the present. This led to a similar event like Russia invading Ukraine growing out of control due to the absence of proper awareness. In the current day, the attacks against Ukraine have significantly decreased Ukraine’s economy. This has led to a significant disruption in the food supply and access to food, resulting in starvation on a mass scale, similar to what was seen in the Holodomor. The war has also devasted the people in other ways, like their physical health, and poverty, all things seen in the Holodomor. As said by Evan’s grandma during her interview on our topical podcast, her father’s stepfather died from hunger, and his little sister became blind. These hardships are all seen in the present day as well. This calls for immediate attention to the modern-day Ukraine situation, as we need to let other people know of what has been happening and the detrimental effects that can result from it. 

In the present, we can see events like Russia invading Ukraine, and causing the deaths of many Ukrainians. This can be seen as another cultural suppression and a repetition of the past. This is why preventing the past from repeating is important. Drawing attention to the current events and the effects it has on the people will help to raise global awareness to help Ukraine. The actions taken by Russia against the Ukrainian people can be seen as an attempt to undermine the Ukrainian people’s sense of nationalism and identity, which weakens the citizens. This is why spreading awareness to people outside the Ukraine is important, because we aren’t affected by Russia, and because we can help raise awareness and support on a global scale. By recognizing our mistakes from the past and working to avoid repeating them in the present and future, we can shape the world into a brighter and happier place for us to reside.

The author's comments:

The Holodomor was a catastrophe against the Ukrainian natives during the 1900s, which caused devastating results. The current events in Ukraine reflect this, which is why people need to know more about the Holodomor.

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