Dear World Leaders | Teen Ink

Dear World Leaders

July 29, 2024
By Anonymous

Dear World Leaders, 

Are you serving yourself or your people? The Russia-Ukrainian War and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict have brought the brutality and intensity of war to the forefront of everyone’s minds. TV broadcasts, commentary and social media have shone light on the  polarity, division, and outrage of war: a side of humanity we try to bury in textbooks and forgotten holidays. We see the outside world and citizens begging for peace— and being denied.  Hear us! No longer let fear, greed, and anger rule your country, but rather rule with peace as priority. 


Citizens become victims and suffer under the fear and deprivation of war. You’re depriving your people of resources that could be creating a better life for them. In 2023, “Average military expenditure as a share of government expenditure rose by 0.4 percentage points to 6.9 per cent” and “per person was the highest since 1990” while “in 2022, a total of 712 million people globally were living in extreme poverty, an increase of 23 million people compared to 2019.” These figures illustrate how resources are being allocated towards war instead of people. Instead of relying on governments for safety, citizens live their lives in fear of economic instability and physical harm.  Often, nations go after others for more resources. But, you’ve lost sight of finding a solution; war doesn’t solve the initial problem and enhances it at our expense.


You set an example for your people and civilians around the world.  By demonstrating and promoting unnecessary violence, you encourage your citizens to do the same. This increases hate crime and radicalism. Since the Israel-Hamas war, “we do see increases in both [hate] crimes and especially [hate] incidences against individuals of Jewish and Palestinian descent [in the U.S.].” Within Israel, “human rights advocates say this Gaza war has unleashed a wave of mistreatment, abuse and further discrimination [in Israel against Palestinians].” As world leaders, you’ve allowed animosity to arise in your countries. The civilian attacks that kill innocent people further showcase your lack of concern for your people.  Instead of negotiating, war becomes a petty competition with lives at stake leading to unnecessary hatred and tragedy.


Although, violence has been used to defend nations against violent attacks—  these choices present war as “justified”. We have to find solutions to punish and prevent further violence. Things such as embargos can “correct” behavior without using violence yourself. Nations are only motivated to commit acts of war due to past use and tolerance of violence; we should stop supporting war acts or even threats. Leaders, make it your business to change the global tone about violence to advance past it. We have to accept change takes work, it might get worse before it gets better. But how can you plant anything if  you’re unwilling to get your hands dirty? 


You have the power to heal or hurt; lead with righteous judgment— one that benefits your people and changes the world. World leaders, you’re given resources, time, and responsibility to bring about peace and prosperity; why continue on the path of destruction? 

The author's comments:

I’m scared and worried for citizens everywhere— Israel, Ukraine, Palestine, Russia, etc.— experiencing the consequences of war. They didn’t choose it but somehow that face the worst of it. This letter is for them, I hope it can open my own, others, and world leaders minds. 

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