The Hazards of Social Networks | Teen Ink

The Hazards of Social Networks

January 3, 2014
By Anonymous

Do you use all the popular social networks in today's world? I do,but are you aware of how dangerous it is and how you have to use precautions when you are on them? Posting personal information such as: pictures, where you are going and when you are going is just the information a predator needs. You never know who is out there and what they are able to do. I believe that teens are posting too much information on social networks.
To begin with, some teens today are posting all of their personal information on the networks. For example, their address, phone numbers, age, and where they are going. You never know who can hack in and see that information. Putting this data/facts on is just like letting a stranger walk into your house and letting them take anything they want too. Worse yet if they see where you live they are liable to go to your house or where you are at and kidnap you.
Almost all teens post pictures on networks, but they do not know what people can do with them. predators, murders, and other horrible people in today’s world are able to screenshot your photo, photocopy it, and make it into an improper picture. When they do that and someone who is your boss, professor or someone that you do not want to see, sees it, your career is over and the trust they have for you. Doing something as simple as that can make you like someone that you are not.
Many parents today say they do not have time to check their children's profiles and they trust the network to do so. They do not care what their kids are doing and who all can see them. Some parents may argue, it depends on what picture they post,but the people who have nothing better to do will take the picture and turn it into something it is not.
Many teens are attempting to commit suicide because of bullying on social networks. To even think that someone would want to kill themselves because of what other kids say to them is ridiculous. Most of the time the kids who are saying the ignorant things to these kids say they are just joking around. Joking around could hurt someones feelings so badly they think they are not wanted and kill themselves. Although this is what i think, some critics today may argue that this problem will probably never happen. It happened to someone right across the river is south Williamsport. According to the news station she was bullied so bad to the point she committed suicide over a post someone made on the social network.
Teens today may argue posting information on my profile is my business not yours. If you want your profile to be safe and you to be safe do not be stupid. An example to do that is to use your privacy settings. When you setup your privacy settings the first time they do not stay that way forever, you have to update them every so often.
Finally, making sure you do things safely, set up your privacy settings, and updating them a more guaranteed to keep you safe. We all know social networks are today's technology, but you have to know what and what not to put on your profile. I do believe teens are posting too much information on social networks. To not let a stranger walk into your house and take whatever they want you need to update your privacy settings and watch what you are posting. You need to stand up and pay attention to what you are doing. If you do these things you are able to use the famous social networks today, but use it in the safest way possible.

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