Better Background Checks for Guns | Teen Ink

Better Background Checks for Guns

January 8, 2016
By Anonymous

Christian Daniel
Language ArtsMany Americans believe stronger background checks are needed for the purchase of weapons/guns. Many states are making adjustments to protect citizens.

For the purchase of weapons, the US government should do stronger background checks because too many citizens are getting killed from mis-use of weapons. In the California shooting 14 innocent people were killed for absolutely no reason. It was just a couple of dumb terrorist coming and killing people. According to the web,” It was true when a gunman killed 27 people, including 20 children, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Conn.”  The people that are involved in the shooting a child should immediately receive the death penalty. America has the highest gun rate in the world.  According to the text,” There have been over 500 deaths by accidental trigger pulls. I know that People make mistakes but sometimes people need to pay the consequences of what they did.. According to the text I read, “U.S. lifetime medical costs for gunshot injuries total an estimated $2.3 billion.” As an American I am going to speak up when I know something is about to go down. It will save a lot people and time and money. It always does something to me when I hear that someone kills themselves. It takes a great amount of courage to take the most important thing away from other people, life.   

The majority of guns owned in the US are illegally bought. According to the internet, “86% of juveniles in correctional facilities are reported to have owned a gun at some point, all of which would have been illegal weapons for the juveniles to own.” Maybe if some of these criminals choose a better lifestyle, some of these innocent people would still be on this earth. Thousands of people have been injured due to inappropriate behavior with guns. Many burglaries will be prevented if they require better background checks. According to,” If the government chooses this method, there will be approximately an 89% drop on burglaries.”

 That means that if the government makes these changes there will be an immediate drop in burglaries. The country of America is the highest gun populated country in the world. According to,” America has the highest gun and death rate in the world.” This means that out of the whole world we as Americans kill the most people with guns. Since when is it okay to have the worst death rate with guns in the world? Unexpectable!

There are some who say the government shouldn't have access to people's personal information and should not have to look at someone's records for them to purchase a weapon. However, some people shouldn't have access to guns. There are people that like to buy them and use them for harming others. Some people should have access to guns for personal issues such as self defense and more.

Therefore there should be a better background check required for the purchase of weapons. The government probably will make this change due to all of the murders happening in the United States.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 15 2016 at 10:55 am
chrisdaniel4 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
thanks. I strongly agree with you.

mplo said...
on Jan. 12 2016 at 11:54 pm
Excellent article. More intensive and extensive background checks for screening prospective gun buyers, as well as forcing rogue gun dealers who refuse to comply with tho gun laws out of business altogether would be a huge step in the right direction.