A Starving World | Teen Ink

A Starving World

February 9, 2016
By Anonymous

3.1 million children die each year from this. 795 million people not not have enough of this to lead a healthy active life (World Food Programme). That is one in nine people on earth. It kills more people than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined (Hunger Facts). World hunger. People are dying because they do not have enough food. People all over the world are starving to death and in America alone, we pay $1 billion just to dispose about 133 billion pounds of food (Food Waste-US). Instead of wasting this food and having to find a place to get rid of it, we could do so many other things with it. Helping world hunger change, needs to happen in the world and it can happen by not wasting food, donating, and having access to education.
Ending world hunger can start by not wasting food. In America, we waste 133 billion pounds of food. This food could go to people in other countries who are starving to death. It is simple. By making food portions smaller and only taking what we need, less food will be wasted. Not wasting food can make a huge difference in the world. Roughly ? of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year, (1.3 tons), gets lost or wasted (Food Waste Facts). So much food is wasted and it could be sent across the world or brought to food shelves to help families who struggle. You could make a difference in your town and community by giving what you do not need. Saving extra food and bringing it to food shelves can help people a lot. It might not seem like a lot to you but just by giving them food or daily necessities, it can make a huge difference for them.
Another way to help stop world hunger is to donate. Helping others can be very easy. You can volunteer at a local food shelf or organization. By helping out, you can bring canned foods or things like shampoo or soaps, just things that families need on a daily basis and maybe can not afford because they are buying food or other necessities instead. Some families struggle and need that extra hand. By doing these things, you can make a difference in helping solve the world’s hunger problem. Another way to donate is to actually give money. If you do not have time to help at a food shelf, you can donate money to a food organization such as Feed My Starving Children. FMSC has many locations all around the country so it's not hard to find. You can donate money and they will buy the ingredients and others will package the food and it will get sent to people in wars or families in need. Another organization is the Eagan Resource Center. This is an organization that is in Minnesota and takes in food donations and they do fundraisers to get money to buy food for the families that sign up for it. Another food organization that is also here in Minnesota, along with the other two, is Channel One Food Shelf and they get food from a food shelf that is located in Minneapolis and the bring food to a church and families who are in need, sign up, and come every second Saturday of each month to get food. You can help by donating time and helping elderly people carry it to their cars or by boxing food. From personal experience, people really do appreciate you helping and donating. At the end of the day, by just donating two hours of my day, makes me feel like I have helped a bunch of people in my community and help somewhat to stop hunger in my community. Donating food, time, and money all can help end world hunger, but also having an education on how to make a lifestyle you can handle is also very important.
World hunger needs to be taught for people to be able to understand and make a change. People in developing countries may not know what they can handle and get put into tough situations. Rape and having unprotected sex at young ages can be a huge issue. Young families or even young women may not have a job yet and aren’t able to support themselves as well as the child they are about to have. This is a major problem in the world and needs to be brought to people's attention. High birth rates raise an awareness as a major problem when trying to stop world hunger. Many people are uninformed and uneducated on reproduction. People are unaware of the problems that could come if they don’t have access to food for themselves and their new child or maybe even children. People are unaware of what could happen. Starvation, dehydration, disease, or even death. All of these things lead to death and need to be stopped.
World hunger can be stopped by not wasting food. You can help by donating your food, time, and money. Having access to education can make a big difference in helping to find a way to solve this. The world could be a whole different place. A child who dies from starvation today who now gets food tomorrow could grow up and find a cure for cancer or create a new invention.

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