ISIS: The Ironic Islamic Group | Teen Ink

ISIS: The Ironic Islamic Group

May 11, 2016
By IszakMestas BRONZE, Burbank, Illinois
IszakMestas BRONZE, Burbank, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" - Benjamin Franklin

There is a monster in the world today. This is not your typical monster with scary teeth and massive physique, but this monster is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria terrorist group that has been stealing military supplies, invading cities, and executing those who oppose their way of life. They are a group who claims to be Muslim, but what they practice is far from the teachings of Islam. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) believes that Islam is the only religion and, anyone who is against that, deserves to die, and they use their religion as a reasoning to perform heinous attacks. In the article “ISIS/ISIL Militants Terrorize Syria and Iraq” (2015), the author writes that ISIS has taken over territory in Iraq, Syria, Sinai, and eastern Libya through the merciless killing of the people of these regions. If ISIS claims to be religious, how is it okay for them to mercilessly murder and execute people who think differently? This planet needs a strong leader to bring down the swift  hammer of justice on this immoral terrorist organization.


Many countries pose a huge threat towards other nations with possible motives to invade countries. Many argue that the world should be more concerned with these countries than with ISIS.  Russia continues to do as they please such as fly armed jets near countries borders, spy on multiple countries, and they even participate in bombings because of the lack of reaction from their actions. ISIS cannot even compare to a city in Russia, based off how much more of a threat Russia poses some say. Sibler’s (2015) Greetings from ISIS: An Epistolary Jest, which is written in first person view, talks about ISIS and their efforts to control many different cities under the dar al-Islam, or Abode of Peace, such as Baghdad, Jerusalem, Amman, and many other cities. Some believe ISIS does not have the man-power to invade and control countries outside of the Middle-East and that the only countries that should take action against ISIS should be the Middle-East nations. While some would say that countries such as Russia should be the main concern of the globe instead of a small radical group that could be easily taken down by a strong leader, in fact, ISIS presents a threat to the entire world.

ISIS is constantly growing and is becoming bloodthirsty for more power. Throughout the land near the middle-east and Syria, ISIS is expanding and gaining more resources such as oil and collecting taxes from cities they have seized. The nations around the world need to take action in shutting down this Islamic terrorist group. These savages cannot be negotiated with, and the only way to silence ISIS is to unite with other nations and destroy ISIS. ISIS/ISIL Militants Terrorize Syria and Iraq states some key executions that ISIS committed. They beheaded people just to prove a point. ISIS has clearly show the world that they want to deal with matters mostly with violence. Many Islamic people live in peace and prosperity with the world, even if others oppose the teachings of Islam. ISIS must be stopped because ISIS shows no mercy to anyone by committing mass murders, bombings, and executing those whom they call “opponents to Islam.”

In the Qur’an  it states, “There shall be no compulsion in religion” (2:256). ISIS claims to be Islamic and in the Islamic bible, the Qur’an, this writing declares that violence must be restrained from religion. How can ISIS claim to be in the Islamic State if they perform many heinous acts of violence towards innocent people? ISIS presents themselves as contradictive with every evil action they take on the world.  ISIS invades cities, kidnaps and beheads innocent people, rebels against the military, and recruits more people to help in their acts of violence. This contradictive group of radical terrorists must be stopped as soon as possible. Otherwise they will continue to contradict their teachings and perform violent acts to the world and its people.

ISIS is a radical terrorist group that takes over cities, executes people, and does so much more evil to the world. Islam involves dealing matters with peace rather than using barbaric violence such as ISIS continues to do amongst innocent people. ISIS will continue to fight and be violent with no mercy. How much more has to go up in flames because no one is silencing the big monster that ISIS is growing into? ISIS claims to be fighting in the name of Islam while Islamic teachings clearly state to not commit such heinous acts towards others. ISIS is not an Islamic group. ISIS constantly steals equipment and supplies to fund their violent actions towards the world. The monster is roaring and yearning to grow. The only way to shut the monster down is to silence the monster.

The author's comments:

Seeing many of the horrific actions ISIS has committed to this world, I felt inspired to fully explain and denounce ISIS for their many hypocrysies. Starting as a World History assignment, my teachers noticed the potential in this piece of writing and really inspired me to fully develop this article.

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