Presidential Candidates | Teen Ink

Presidential Candidates

May 31, 2016
By Will_Buckerfield BRONZE, Orangvale, California
Will_Buckerfield BRONZE, Orangvale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The 2016 Presidential Elections have created fear among all about who our next president will be. The two candidates are complete opposites. Running for the Democratic side is Senator Hillary Clinton. She would be the first Female president if elected. Running for the Republican side is Businessman Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton’s goal is to strengthen American families. Donald Trump’s goal is to simplify taxes in America making it easier for the middle class. Student, Jake Chow says,“I don’t think any of them are that good of candidates.” “I believe that Donald Trump is a very aggressive person and Hillary Clinton is  untrustworthy, I’m very nervous for the United States.” Says Gannon Bardasian, also a student. This year will bring much drama and many breaking of friendships because of who they like. Hold on America, we can make it through this.

The author's comments:

Im very interested in this years president candidates. From what Ive seen I believe that this is a very crazy year! Hopefully we get to learn something.

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