Chick-fil-nAy | Teen Ink


April 29, 2019
By aidan_jasanis BRONZE, Rancho Palos Verdes, California
aidan_jasanis BRONZE, Rancho Palos Verdes, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a gay student walks out to an on-campus group, with the sole intention of food. With the trickling idea of supporting this group, he gets in line, only to read the words of a group known for so much hate, on a red and white bag. Uncomfortable and ashamed, he walks out of the line, only to realize the red and white bags are every way; he is stuck, trapped, silenced.

Chick-fil-A, a family-friendly restaurant famous for their chicken, has a history of being one of the most anti-LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) companies in the world. Over the last seven years, they have faced constant criticism due to their evangelical beliefs and policies towards the LGBT community. The history includes anti-gay remarks from their company’s former owner, Dan Cathy, as well as multiple donations to anti-gay groups. Although Chick-Fil-A makes charitable giving to noble causes, Chick-Fil-A should not be associated with public school groups due to their association and financial support of anti-gay groups and in order to maintain student wellness.

Chick-Fil-A should not be associated with public school groups due to their association and financial support of anti-gay groups and legislation. In 2017 alone, Chick-fil-A donated “$9.9 million in charitable contributions” and “grants” to groups such as but not limited to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes; groups known for their anti-LGB stance.i Chick-fil-A has made multi-million dollar donations to groups that have publicly stated their stance towards the gay community. While Chick-fil-A does not personally donate their money, they do actively donate to groups who can use their granted money for the wrong causes.

Chick-fil-A also acquired heat when they donated to the “Family Research Council(FRC)”, a group that spent “$25,000 lobbying Congress against H.R. 1064”; an expressive “resolution” to “express” the House of Representatives’ belief that the Ugandan Governments’ proposed and debated Anti-Homosexuality Bill “threatens the protection of fundamental human rights.”ii With the so-called charitable donations Chick-fil-A gives, the company can allow for the opportunity to arise for this group and the other groups to use their new donated money for their own political agenda. While a group may claim a donation or grant is for something, the money can then be used in a multitude of other ways. In order to help prevent any more anti-LGB contributions, public school groups should ban Chick-fil-A.

Chick-Fil-A should not be associated with public school groups in order to better maintain student wellness. Studies by the Trevor Project have shown that LGB students are “almost five times as likely” to “have attempted suicide” compared to their heterosexual peers.iii LGB students face greater risks of suicidal tendencies, and with the presence of anti-LGB groups on campus, LGB students may feel more victimized or alone. By removing Chick-fil-A as a vendor or incentive, LGB students may feel more welcome and comfortable on campus, as well as amongst their heterosexual peers.

In addition, ”safe schools” and ”support from caring adults” and friends can help to protect students of the LGB community from ”depression and suicidality”.iv With the lack of anti-LGB groups on campus, LGB students may

likely feel more comfortable and safe. In an environment like this, LGB students may be less inclined to depression or suicidality, and therefore, can be able to thrive better amongst their peers. In order to better maintain LGB student wellness, Chick-fil-A should be banned by public schools.

Chick-fil-A should be banned as an incentive and/or vendor by public schools due to their support for anti-LGB groups as well as in order to better maintain student wellness. In addition, districts should have an open-door petition policy in which students, staff, or parents may petition for other hate-group associated businesses that they feel have an unsafe presence on campus, to be removed. With this solution, public school districts may have a better reassurance that their money is not going to hate-group associated businesses. Another positive would be the likely increase in LGB student wellness. If districts would like to truly protect all students, districts should remove toxic groups such as Chick-fil-A and allow for any gay, lesbian, bisexual student to truly feel comfortable.

The author's comments:

I am a gay male student at a public school and I have noticed a multitude of on-campus groups using their money to purchase Chick-fil-A as an incentive or vendor for school events. It makes me extremely uncomfortable however I feel that a lot of students and staff really do not know all that Chick-fil-A does. Therefore, I hope to educate the public and inspire others to create these reforms.

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