THE SAME | Teen Ink


August 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Why cant we all be equal? No matter, sexuality, race, or gender.
Right now in America more people are being judged about there sexuality. It is illegal to get married to the same sex in some states. I say that America is not gonna change those people. America can not stop them from finding love.
Love means, "A passionate affection of one person for another." No where in that definition it says love is for the opposite sex. It says for one another. People can not tell you who to love and to hate. Thats up to you.
People have no right to judge your sexuality. Even though they like the same sex, or both doesnt mean they are different. If you saw, a bi, Gay, ilesbian, or transexual, they would be exactly like you. They still work, or go to school. They are the same. We are all the same. No one has the right to judge or hate.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because of the song "same love" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis.

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