Within Our Society | Teen Ink

Within Our Society

December 19, 2013
By Anonymous

In our society it is illegal to discriminate at work or at a place for education. The way someone is discriminated upon is if someone is treated worse because of their ability or disability, culture or religion, gender, sexuality, or parenting status according to Take a Stand Together. In all of my life I have witnessed and even been involved in discrimination, towards my self and have seen it done to others. We all have been some way apart of discrimination whether it was a bystander, or the discriminated upon or then those ones that are the discriminator. In my opinion discrimination now a days is taken to far in schools and in our society and is wrong, but again it is and has been in our American society since we were made a country.

I don't fully understand how one human being can treat another as if they don't mean anything just because who and what they are, but I have been told by many people that I must be stupid because I couldn't understand that person the best because of their accent and they told me it was probably because I am Hispanic. As the years went by I started to not care because I became proud to be Hispanic. Later when I was in about junior high I became aware that my sister was being discriminated upon because of her inability to focus because of her ADHD. My parent advised the school this was going on and had the school gave the individual a detention which is understandable, but as stated before it is illegal to discriminate in the work place or in a place of education so I figured that they would have done more than that, but the individual has stopped since then. There has been one other time that someone I know was discriminated upon that meant almost nothing to me, but instill stood up for them. It was when one of my classmates in, Physical Education, was being told that they were able to do something with my friends and I because they were, a nice way to put it, overweight and started asking to play a game of football with us besides that individual. I felt as if I needed to do something so I told the captain of the game to just let the person play it was fair and right to let them play and they could be a good defense or something along those lines. The captain aloud the person to play and it came out that the person was a great help on both offense and defense and the person was allowed to play and was invited times after that to play with us. I see these as being wrong because everybody is good at things and can all help some how no matter if they are bigger, smaller, different looking, believe in something else, like other things than one. Everyone is a benefit in their eon way to a community and no one should be discriminated upon. Even if our ancestors did before us we are suppose to learn from their mistakes not continue to do them over and over again.

Their are always people that are going to discriminate one all people have to do is learn to ignore it or know that they are wrong. The people that keep doing it need to be punished in some way because if we don't we will let the future youth think it is okay to just discriminate and not have a punishment. We lastly need to not let people push others around and need to include everyone and treat everyone with the same way we want I be treated and not leave them out, we are all humans and have feelings! In my opinion discrimination now a days is taken to far in schools and in our society and is wrong, but again it is and has been in our American society since we were made a country.

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