I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

January 13, 2014
By sam97 BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
sam97 BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An Easy day was hard to come by and even harder to remember her last. Bullied and looked at like she just didn't belong. Criticized and judged by her outer appearance, she would get mocked simply for the way that she looked. Doing her very best she tried to drown out the comments and ignore the stares. Sooner than she wanted she knew they would be at it again.

Everyday she would be scared as soon as she took her first steps off the bus to school. Fear flooded her eyes as she walked to class. She would hope and pray that that day would be different. She would peer over her shoulder as she walked to class just to make sure no one was there. Still scared every step of the way.

In seconds though it happens, she is pulled to the hard floor by her hair. Jolts of pain and fear ran through her body as tears began streaming down her face. Keeping her hands over her face she sat there wishing someone would come to help her, but there was no one there. No one to help her get back to her feet. No one to tell her it was okay.

Losing hope she uncovered her now wet and rosy red face to got back to her feet. She knew more was bound to come considering it was only the fourth week of the third grade. As she predicted nothing changed as the bullies just got worse. They were more devious than ever. She felt so alone.

People just couldn't imagine what she was feeling. She was so alone and all she really wanted was a friend to talk to. Questions would run through her mind like. " why do they do this? Why doesn't anyone help me?" even though she had no answers.

One day she reached deep and found her strength and she finally found her voice. she wasn't going to let people walk all over her anymore. Standing up for herself things slowly but surely changed. Things started to get better and she soon figured out she wasn't alone in the fight against bullies. Understanding that she couldn't change the past she made it her goal to stand against bullies and to show others that they too can find their voice and stand tall against bullies. Visualizing what things would be like she pushed harder and harder each day to make things better for the fellow bullied. Waiting she watched as what she wanted to accomplish came to life like a flower in bloom. Young people could now know that they shouldn't be scared to stand up for themselves. Zeroing in she kept with her no bully attitude simply because she believed in a no bully world.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because this is something that actually happened to me. I am the girl getting bullied. I have been through being bullied since the third grade and I have used writing as my way to escape. I believe that kids shouldn't have to be scared to go to school because some kid feels they need to be above them. I do whatever I can do to help stop bullying. and I hope others will too.

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