An Open Letter as to Why Gay Marriage Should Be Illegal: A Satirical Piece | Teen Ink

An Open Letter as to Why Gay Marriage Should Be Illegal: A Satirical Piece

April 24, 2014
By Anonymous

First and foremost, the bible, the word of our Lord and Savior, God himself, declared that no man shall lie with another. The Declaration of Independence declares no such matter as separation of church and state. Marriage is sacred! Meant for only a man and a woman to be joined together for the rest of eternity into heaven. Of course, there was the man who married his horse, but they were in love, alas, and it was so incredibly sacred. But a man marrying a man? Women marrying women? Unnatural! Unholy! They are sinners damned to the deepest pits of hell! The bible states that no man shall wear clothes made of more than one material, or eat shellfish, or have an annulment as well, but of course things like this happen every day. All those people are damned! Damned, I tell you! I was disgusted by the woman wearing pants and showing her wrists in Red Lobster, eating shellfish like this was 2014. America is a place of freedom of speech, as well as freedom of religion, and personally, I am feeling extremely oppressed by the efforts to silence me on a matter that I have a right to speak my opinion about!

As a faithful Christian, I am, of course, against women’s rights, against anything homosexual and enforce strong, rigid gender roles upon the men, women, boys, and girls in my life. I like to live my life how the world used to be; where there was no electricity, the world was ruled in kingdoms by tyrants, and women were raped and sold as property to other men, forced to give birth at extremely young ages before their hips were fully developed and the infant mortality rate was high. Golden Ages, I tell you.

In conclusion, there should be no such thing as “gay marriage” because the bible declares it so, and I demand that the government appease my demands because of my strictly religious reasonings that have nothing to do with government or others who do not share my sentiments or my religion (they’re sinners anyway).


A Strictly Heterosexual Christian Who Is Disgusted By The Thought Of Separation Of Church And State

The author's comments:
This piece is strictly satirical, and I am a strong supporter of marriage equality. This is meant to show how ridiculous certain people's reasoning is for opposing it

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on May. 6 2014 at 8:54 pm
FateRunner BRONZE, San Jose, California
3 articles 0 photos 14 comments
hahaha love it!