should we let boats trasport oil across oceans? | Teen Ink

should we let boats trasport oil across oceans?

May 26, 2014
By matthew.g BRONZE, Austin,tx, Texas
matthew.g BRONZE, Austin,tx, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Should we let boats transport oil across oceans?

Do you think it’s fair for millions of our sea life to die from our mistakes of spilling thousands of gallons of oil into our oceans? Well this is happening today from our oil spills.
Most of the sea animal that breathes oxygen dies from the pollution that the oil has. This affects the food web by having less prey for the predators.
The endangered species is getting affected by this very much, because they might be populating very well. Then a boat sinks with a lot of gallons of oil and wipes out the whole endangered species. This might have happened to some endangered sea life.

Approximately 55 million gallons of oil was spilled in one area in the ocean. It was called the Exton Valadez oil spill. This spill killed 36,115 sea birds and other animals. This is happening all around the world every day destroying habitats and killing millions of animals. We need to stop this!

In 2014, tuna fish and amber jack were exposed to an oil spill and got an illness in the heart and other organs. Imagine this, the whole world was exposed to the sun’s rays, and affected every person in the world. We don’t know a cure for this. This is happening to our sea life.

This is affecting our fishing jobs as will. Our fisherman is not catching fish, they’re not getting money, and they’re losing their economy. If a fisherman catches a fish, most of the fish will have poison and can give illness to the person that eats it.

This is also affecting our sea plants. The sea plants like coral and sponge need the sun to live. The sea plants use photosynthesis to live. When an oil spill occurs, the oil is floating on top of the water because water is dense than oil. The plants are dying because of this because the oil is blocking the to pass the and let the plant get its energy.

The herbivores and omnivores are getting affected by this by not eating the plants and going extinct or endangered. The food web is like dominoes, one domino falls all dominoes fall.

This affects the deep sea creatures as well. People think that the deep sea creatures are not getting affected by this because they live so deep. These creatures are getting affected by not having food. The deep sea creatures are nocturnal and eat at night, but they don’t have food. These creatures would have been over-populating if they have but they’re not.

In conclusion, there shouldn’t be any oil transportation in boats because there’s a lot of oil spills. I think we should use cargo planes to transport oil across seas because they are more efficient to bring things. Boats are way cheaper than cargo planes, but cargo planes won’t let millions of gallons of oil fall in the ocean and kill millions of animals.

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