Second Chances | Teen Ink

Second Chances

October 2, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear Reader,

People should get a second chance to a certain extent because some of us don’t mean for the outcome to be bad we also know right from wrong, we should know if our actions are going to end up hurting someone. Giving individuals second chances is very unlikely nowadays. Throughout time, more and more people are not given second chances. It's common for teenagers to just abandon the people who hurt them. Teenagers often do things without even thinking about it but, whether they intend to do it or not we should always think about the outcomes of our actions before we follow through with anything.

One reason people should get a second chance is because most people don't intend for the outcome to be bad. This means that some people do deserve a second chance because it could have been an honest mistake and they really didn't mean to hurt you. According to Blets Blogging, in order for people to grow they need second chances so they can learn from their mistakes (Basak).  Studies have shown that giving people second chances actually betters them as a person (Basak).

Another reason is because people generally should know right from wrong, they should know if the outcome will hurt you or not. Although most people who hurt you never intend it, if you continuously give them second chances thinking they will change, and they don’t then they don’t deserve your time and effort.  According to Psychology Today, “Giving up on people because they’ve let you down, whether it's your favorite athlete, a political figure, or your best friend, seems antithetical to that value” (Whitbourne). Some people may argue that people shouldn't get second chances because a person that hurts you once is bound to do it again, but as a strong person you should be able to tell if they deserve one or not, one way that you can tell they deserve a second chance is if they can prove to you that they will not do the same action again.  As a result, giving second chances isn't always a bad thing, but you should always be careful who you give them out to.

In conclusion people should get second chances to a certain extent because most of us do not intend for the outcome to be bad and since people should know right from wrong, they should know that the outcome will end up hurting someone. This can be shown in real world problems by not giving someone a second chance can not only hurt, you it can hurt them as well. Giving second chances is beneficial on both sides.  Whether you decide if you want to give one is up to you.




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