What is Worse Betrayal By Friends or Family | Teen Ink

What is Worse Betrayal By Friends or Family

October 2, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear Mr./Mrs. Reader,

The definition of betray is“to deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty, to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling, and to disappoint the hopes or expectations of”(Dictionary). Betrayal has many different meanings in the dictionary but betrayal can mean different mentally when it comes to family or friends. Friends are supposed to be there for you no matter what and family will most likely not have you back. Getting betrayed by friends is worse than family because you give your trust in friends to have your side and family are often tries to compete with you for power or outdo you.

Betrayal is worse when it comes from friends than family because you have to give your trust in a friend. When you meet someone new you don’t know how they act or think, so when you finally give them your trust your putting part of your future in their hands. As an example, in the movie The Jungle Book, Mowgli is trusting Baloo for safety when Shere Khan the tiger comes to attack Mowgli. Mowgli just meet Baloo but has trust in him, so if Baloo was to betray Mowgli than Shere Khan would hurt Mowgli. Baloo betraying as a friend is worse because Mowgli was already betrayed by his people or family.  In Science Direct, their article says, “The most common forms of betrayal are harmful disclosures of confidential information, disloyalty, infidelity, and dishonesty. They can be traumatic and cause considerable distress. The effects of betrayal including shock, loss, grief, morbid, preoccupation, damaged self-esteem, self-doubting, and anger” (Rachman). What Mr. Rachman is trying to say is, being betrayed by someone close can hurt you mentally and physically, causing depression or self-harm. Some people may argue that family is your blood relative and that they should trust you no matter what, but there are many stories of family backdooring you and friends staying true to you. As a result, once you backdoor some close with you, then you break more than you gain because you could be losing your closet allie or friend.

Another way betrayal is worse when it comes from friends than family is because family is most of the time competing for more power or money in the family tree. For instance, family wants to outdo each other because then maybe they could get more money from mom and dad, but with friends their not part of the family deals. In the article, How To Handle People Who Betray You, it says betrayal between family is mainly caused by jealousy. Furthermore, one family member might be jealousy of another family member’s status in the family tree and might try to get rid of their power.  There are many examples in today’s literature and past literature (McAllitster). In addition, friends should not have to compete with your family because your friends are there to help you do and feel better, not steal from them. In conclusion, getting betrayed by friends is worse than family is because family wants to compete for power and friends you have to give them your trust to not fail you.

Thus,  being betrayed by your friend is worse than your family because you give your trust to your friends and family is often competing for power. In today’s literature being betrayed by family is very common but doesn’t cause the reader as much heart felt for the person as someone who was betrayed by friends. In today's society, when you see someone being betrayed by friends do you feel worse for them or for when you see someone who was betrayed by family.? Just like in the example early with The Jungle Book, the reader felt more sorry for Mowgli when Baloo betrayed him or wasn’t there for him instead for when Mowgli family betrayed him. In conclusion, when you read your favorite book that is betrayal in it, do you feel more heart broke for betrayed by the family or friends?  



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