Forgiveness Is Worth It | Teen Ink

Forgiveness Is Worth It

October 29, 2018
By Cornwelltyler18 BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
Cornwelltyler18 BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Readers,

People say all the time that it's not worth the time to forgive someone, which is astounding considering that it takes more of your time and energy to hold a grudge and be pressed about another's actions. Forgiveness seems to be the hardest human action that we can do because everyone struggles to forgive others when a problem occurs, but forgiving isn’t as hard as people think and it leaves us better off mentally at the end of it all. If you forgive and forget you move past everything leaving yourself clear headed with one less issue. Forgiveness is worth the time and the effort considering it leaves you with an overall happier mindset, and it leaves you with less drama and negativity in your life.

One reason you should forgive is because at the end of it all just letting go leaves you with a happier mindset. Believe it or not it is easier to let go then to hold onto issues in your life Because it takes more effort to remember things and hold onto grudges, plus when you do finally let go you feel better about it. It’s like a weight is lifted off your shoulders because you’re relieving extra stress in tension from your life that you don’t need. This is because when you worry over and over about an argument or what someone did, it just makes you second guess your own life and your own choices which just stresses you out pointlessly, so overall it’s better to just let go and be happy. Some people may say that people can still betray your trust again. However I say that if you forgive them once then any mistakes that follow don’t concern you because the blame then falls on them solely. You don’t have to concern yourself with their actions after you have let them go. Finally in the article “Forgiveness: why it’s worth it”, it says that if you forgive someone it allows you to take control over your own life rather than be hemmed up in others actions(Dayton). This shows that if we just let go of things you aren't focused on everyone else and you can focus on what's important, which is you and when you focus on yourself it naturally makes us happier to think of ourselves.

Another reason forgiveness is worth it is because it drops a lot of negativity and drama out of your life. For starters when you drop the situation it alleviates any confrontation that could occur. This is because if you forgive them and drop it then all your hostile and negative thoughts towards that person are gone so when you see each other there is no negative tension present. Furthermore, if you drop it and move on you wont be worrying about them hurting you or messing with you again. You can just move past it care free. You won’t be thinking constantly about if they are going to do it again or whatever the case. Therefore, the rumors and issue will be non existent which also allows tension to alleviate and diminish drama. Lastly, if you can just forgive and forget you just move past it as if it didn’t happen. Some may say that negativity and drama follow you around no matter what, However if you just move past stuff and only worry about important things rather than carrying over issues that you can drop just by being forgiving. If stress is gonna be with you forever then why add to it when you can get rid of alot of your problems. The Famifi article states that “forgive and forget... make space to vent without judgement”(Trebel). You should just get it out of your system at first but then forget, move past it because it’s not worth holding onto and creating more drama on your part.

Being happy and having less drama and less stress and when you forgive and drop situations it makes all of that happen and solves a lot of problems. Look at it the way you look at life. If you dwell on one thing for too long, it consumes you; if you spend your entire life worrying about problem from the past, then you will never be able to move forward. Forgiveness works the same way. Spending too much time on pointless issues, holding a grudge, or carrying over issues with others will keep you stuck where you are and creating new friendships or a more positive mindset will be impossible because your stuck living in the past. Be the strong one, the bigger person, more mature, whatever title fits you but just forgive and forget the benefits are much more worth it than the laziness and stress of holding onto problems.


Tyler C.

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on Dec. 19 2018 at 9:13 am
newest_member_of_tbhc SILVER, Salem, Ohio
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Favorite Quote:
"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Forgiveness is 100% worth it :)