Love? | Teen Ink


March 23, 2010
By MadHatter BRONZE, Ferndale, Washington
MadHatter BRONZE, Ferndale, Washington
1 article 20 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live the life you love, love the life you live." -Bob Marley

I can honestly say I don't believe in love. I think all love is, is a form of lust and being comfortable with someone. Its a form of obsession and attachment.
People need to start being realistic with themselves and admit there is no such things as love.
Why would you want to even get married or have kids?
The whole economy sucks and so does this sadistic, sad world. Why would you want to bring someone that you love into that?
Its full of violence, rape, crimes, starvation. homelessness, pointless sexuality, and attention.
And as for marriage, what's the point?
Do human beings really need more commitment and reassurance?
If you really and truly "love" someone, then nothing should matter.
You should love them for who they are and nothing else. You shouldn't want to control them or change them or love them for what they offer and/or have.
Love is nonexistent and will only leave you torn and heartbroken no matter what. You can't act like every things okay. because nothing actually is.

The author's comments:
I've been through enough disappointment to know.

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This article has 1 comment.

StormyNight said...
on Dec. 4 2015 at 1:19 pm
This is written so beautifully it made me cry!you've got a rare talent,keep it up!
Also,this is true,we can't understand the pain and suffering these children have gone through,but we can TRY to be better humans,and I will pray for them,and everyone else!

MaeFlower said...
on Apr. 10 2010 at 11:17 pm
MaeFlower, Aurora, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 27 comments
Wow.  I'm very sorry you feel that way.  Honestly, I don't think love is just a form of lust.  What about my love for my sister, my parents, my dog? I don't love my dog the way I'd love, say, my future husband.  You seem to have a very sad outlook on life, and I feel very very sorry for you, that you have to go through life thinking that way :/