Unconditional love-fest | Teen Ink

Unconditional love-fest

December 21, 2012
By JaKero GOLD, Fort Collins, Colorado
JaKero GOLD, Fort Collins, Colorado
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In fan fiction, the guy always gets the girl. That or she gets him, or she gets the girl, or he gets her ex-boyfriend. Either way, you get the idea. It’s a love fest. First there is angst, wondering, maybe even some gruesome and unrealistic self mutilation that ends with a lengthy confession of love while sobbing or drunk. Unless it’s pretty good fan fiction. Either way, their romances seem to work out really well. They take care of each other, they have fun together, and nothing gets in the way of their love for each other. This probably says something about the tweens and middle aged moms writing them, but I still can’t say it doesn’t make me feel sad to compare what I see around me to this unconditional love.

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