Complications | Teen Ink


December 19, 2014
By prettylil_c BRONZE, Newarj, Delaware
prettylil_c BRONZE, Newarj, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Relationships… love, loyalty, trust, communication, and respect. Something everyone asks for but at the same time doesn’t know how to give. Relationships now seem to be all about jealousy, shortage of commitment, disloyalty, and a lack of respect…Something all of us hate but seem to do while in a relationship. Everyone claims they want someone that’s going to treat them like gold every single day but settling for less then what they deserve. I feel so strongly about relationships because nobody really seems to understand what it’s all about. A relationship isn’t all about a girl or boy spending lots of money on you, doing what you want them to do all the time, or just there to pleasure you. In a relationship the two should bond so well together that they form something so strong and unbreakable.

Boys and girls always say they hate cheaters and players but their the same ones running game. You can’t complain how someone’s acting a certain way if you’re doing the same thing. That’s something that makes me so irritated is the double standards that sometimes come with a relationship. You don’t want your partner talking, messing, hugging, and interacting with anyone else but you, but in the same sense you’re the same one entertaining other people and doing stuff you wouldn’t want your companion doing. If you’re in a committed relationship you both should agree on something that’s going to work for the both of you. Just because your girlfriend or boyfriend has other friends and interacts with them that shouldn’t be a problem.

This is where trust, jealousy, and little self-confidence come into play. When you enter a relationship the two of you should start off with a friendship and work your way up to something more. Nothing’s going to work out if you rush into things and don’t have trust for your partner because you’re always going to have second thoughts about what that person is doing, which isn’t healthy for a relationship. You should be able to have faith in your partner that they could be in a room full of girls and boys and still have respect for you and do the right thing. At the end of the day those 100 girls and 100 boys aren’t in your relationship so they really don’t care, you’re the one in the relationship meaning it’s your responsibility to tell the outsiders no.

People will state that they want a relationship with someone who’s loyal, cute, funny, respectful but chasing after all the wrong people. Even when they get into a relationship with someone who meets their criteria they stop doing what they did to get them and start messing it up with someone that has NOTHING on the person they were just with. A lot of people tend to mess good things up with good people simply because they don’t realize what they have in front of them. Just because someone has messed it up for you in the past doesn’t mean your current partner is going to do those things to you. Some people really need to open their eyes and open their eyes into the soul because sitting around playing the person that’s down for you are not going to benefit you in anyway.

If you want a relationship you can’t rush into things you have to get to know a person on a personal level see what their beliefs are, what their dreams and aspirations are in life, their morals, what they do and don’t like. Doing this will create such a strong connection you won’t want to hurt them because you truly see how beautiful that person is, and also the respect level will be so much higher because they’ll know how to treat you.
Relationships have their ups and downs don’t get me wrong but there should be so many more ups then downs.  For that to happen the disrespect needs to stop, the jealousy needs to stop, the lack of communication with your partner needs to stop and the trust needs to start. Without trust your relationship is nowhere I promise you. So next time you decide to hop in a relationship make sure you think before you do something dumb that could possibly mess something good up for you.

And to the people that love playing games and the childish stuff take it somewhere else because your messing it up for the rest of us, for as young as we are we shouldn’t have to worry about a girl or boy acting right, or even disrespecting us. Just always make sure you never settle for less and always take what you deserve even if it takes a while… everyone deserves to be treated like a trophy. 

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