Forever Love | Teen Ink

Forever Love

August 3, 2017
By Melody Cordero BRONZE, New York, New York
Melody Cordero BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Forever” a word that is used to make people think you will have a person by your side until the day you take your last breath. Love, that's what everyone in this world wants. But what is love? Is it love that brings us happiness? We choose to believe that without love we are miserable. But love is what heals us, love is not what hurts us. It’s who we choose to love that hurts. The word “Forever” has a different expiration date. Because forever might not be as long as you think it will be. But as females fear that when the person you love leaves that we will no longer be capable of love, but let us not fear because when one love ends a new love starts.

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