Nba Drama Queens | Teen Ink

Nba Drama Queens

January 17, 2013
By Anonymous

People in the NBA need to take more responsibility for their actions. Instead of talking to the referees because they’re not going to change their calls, just get back on defense. I’m not going to lie, some calls in the NBA are bad, like sometimes when refs call fouls and right after they replay it and you can clearly see that it wasn’t a foul. In my opinion, Dwayne Wade does the least amount of complaining in the NBA out of anybody. You might not notice it but LeBron James does the most complaining in the NBA. If LeBron wasn’t a respected basketball player he probably would’ve led the league in technical fouls. Co?e on now, am I right or am I wrong?
Kendrick Perkins, a 6'10" 280 pound center , is constantly complaining in the low post. One would think he bruises like a peach due to his constant complaining. He doesn't overreact so much that he gets angry, but rather he becomes surly and mopes around the court. If you were to ever watch a video or look at a picture, there is a small chance that you will see a smile on his face. Kendrick Perkins, the starting center for the Oklahoma City Thunder, will never accept a call that doesn’t benefit him in anyway.
Stubborn and angry are the best two adjectives used to describe Rasheed Wallace. The player with the most technical fouls in NBA history. He is notorious for constantly overreacting. His outbursts were often explosive, hysterical and highly dramatic. No one in the history of the NBA had the ability to run up and down the court looking as innocently as he did after a flagrant foul on him. He seemed to truly believe that he never committed a foul and made the crowd believe also.
With every call that doesn't go his way, Glen, ¨Big Baby,¨ Davis' attitude goes from intimidating to shameful. Seriously, if he hadn't made it in the NBA, there would have been a career for him in Hollywood. After all, from what we see on the court, he could probably turn on the water works on command. Davis was such a drama queen that the Celtics gave him the name Big Baby.
In conclusion, people in the NBA should not be complaining because they make millions and millions of dollars playing a game that they love!!. What else do you need in your life, you are famous, you are rich, and your job is just doing what you love!!! Now STOP COMPLAINING.

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