Inked Everywhere | Teen Ink

Inked Everywhere

February 26, 2014
By Allied SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Allied SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up in a small, religious town in Minnesota, Tattoo’s are not very common. Now, Standing on Pacific Beach in san Diego California, It’s a challenge to find a body not inked. Peoples opinions change in different places. I think peoples Attitudes can change here too. The workplace should bend the rules so tattoo’s are aloud, but before that society needs to change their mind. The first thing that has to change, Before anything else, is individuals attitudes on tattoo’s.

Most businesses have strict policies on tattoo’s. Either they can’t be seen or can’t have them at all. Professor Michael A. Jones from Southeastern Louisiana University say that 40% of college students have tattoo’s. How are companies going to get workers that are suitable for the job if they judge them by tattoo’s. if you can cover up tattoo’s with clothes or makeup, why does it matter if workers have them. What should matter is how good they are at the job. In Great Britain the rules on inked policemen has changed. They can now have tattoo’s. They lifted this ban to be an “icebreaker” to the public. If people don’t get tattoo’s because of their job,The rules should change. So if the public changes their opinion,the businesses can too.

In my town, the churches have the biggest crowd. so if the churches don’t like tattoo’s, The followers don't either. Their opinions can change also. The bible says “ do not put tattoo marks on yourself. I am the lord.” (19:28). Yet it also says “ nor shall there come upon you a garment of cloth made of two kinds of stuff.” (19:19). Most clothes now a days have more than one kind of fabric. Why is tattoo’s so bad and the clothes we have on aren’t. “for when change in the priesthood there is necessarily a change in the law as well.”(11-12).It’s time for the change. Even the bible knows this. Society can’t just it’s views. People have too, one at a time.

People don’t necessarily have to like tattoo’s, or all the people who have them. They don’t harm people in anyway. Most of them are also not permanent. Laser treatment can remove every color but yellow, red, and blue. Just don’t get a tattoo with those colors if people think they won’t want it later. All i ask is to not judge or criticise tattoo’s because peoples opinions are not making them go away anytime soon. The percent of tattooed bodies is on the rise, so my advise is to accept tattoos.

The world is changing, and soon tattoo’s will be everywhere. I’m not saying everyone needs to get a tattoo, but everyone should drop the stereotypes about them. I see a world where everyone should be able to express themselves freely and entirely without judgement. The workplace and society can change, but first people have to change your mind one by one.

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