Take Control Of Your Life Don't Become Digitally Insane | Teen Ink

Take Control Of Your Life Don't Become Digitally Insane

November 13, 2014
By zachf2001 BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
zachf2001 BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Patience young Padawan you shall learn to use the force in time.

The average person spends four years of their life looking down at their phones. Did you know that an average human's attention span is one second lower than a goldfish. In 2000 the average human attention span was 12 seconds, in 2013 the average human attention span was 8 seconds. It is because of our smartphones, tablets, and social media.  Here’s a question for you? Do you like being in control of your life? If you do then stop paying some much attention to your technology  before you become digitally insane. I think that humans should smile when they discover they have a low battery. Why, because it will bring us all closer together instead of using the supposed social media to try and bring us closer together. 

  We ignore our pets and loved ones because of all the new technology. What people do care about is the latest smartphones, tablets, and computers. According to Prince EA, “ I asked a friend to meet up face to face and he replied, "Sure, when do you want to Skype?” Ask yourself this, did your friend reply to you with that quote?

Technology has made us selfish, a lone wolf, and a jerk to the other people that care for us. Hey Mr. Zuckerberg instead of calling Facebook a social media network call it a anti social media network. Drop the technology and take a look at the amazing, no stunning world around you. Get outside without your smartphone or tablet. Go play some football, baseball, run around, or do something outside, just don’t spend four years of your life on your phones. So do you think you are digitally insane?

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