Are Children More Socialized Because of the Internet? | Teen Ink

Are Children More Socialized Because of the Internet?

February 29, 2016
By Crazy.Kid BRONZE, Johor Bahru, Other
Crazy.Kid BRONZE, Johor Bahru, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nowadays,Internet are very important for human.We use the Internet to communicate,study,get some information and others.The Internet are very useful but sometimes it could be very harmful if we don't use it in the right way.Lots of people will ask a e children more socialized because of the Internet?,is Internet imporant for chidren in this century?Now let us do some research and get the answer.This study explains if children nowadays get more socialized because of the Internet.These days,most children use the Internet every day.In fact,87 percent of 12 to 17 years old are now online,according to a 2005 Pew Research Centre report.

Are children more socialized because of the Internet.Maybe.Why?.Because by using the Internet they could communicate with anyone all the time.This somehow could make they be more socialized with the community. The children could just communicate with others anywhere,anytime.They also could meet new friend from the other country.In that way,they could learn about the other's culture and traditions.This could make they be a knowledgeable personal.For example,one of fascinating african tribal traditions is the Khweta Ceremony. This Southern Africa ceremony is practiced by several tribes and is how a young boyp proves his manhood.When they are of age,boys are sent to spend several days or weeks in a circumcision lodge during winter when they are put through rigorous and often dangerous tests and rituals such as continuous dancing until exhaustion,and circumcision

However,there are also some disadvantages using the Internet.The children have to be aware with the hackers.Computer hackers are unauthorised users who break into computer systems in order to steal,change or destroy information,often by installing dangerous malware without yiur knowledge or conselit.Their clever tactics and detailes technical knowledge help them access information you really don't want them to have

Parents also play a very big role . They should always monitor their children . What are their children surfing , chatting with and others . This is to prevent strangers taking advantage in their children . Such as , to meet them , have a walk at the park and others . These are very dangerous for the children . I think children nowadays are more socialized because of the internet but they also have to use them wisely .

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the surrounding in this century when writing this essay.

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on Apr. 28 2017 at 10:15 pm
This is so true because if their want no internet not trying to be ride or anything we wouldn't understand anything including my self but all I am sing is that yes we are more socialized because of the internet.