What High School Students Really need to Hear | Teen Ink

What High School Students Really need to Hear

May 21, 2019
By Anonymous

What High School Students Need to Hear

Four years seems like a long time. Before stepping foot into high school, it seems like a big school with a thousand kids that you will go to school with for the next boring four years. However, high school is so much more than that.

There are ups and downs and most people often look at the downs. Grades and school work is important and should always be one of the top priorities. However, don’t stay up all night stressing over a test or essay. One bad grade won’t ruin your overall average grade. School is important and everyone should try their best on school work but stress is not the key to being successful.

Days may go slow but weeks go fast and years go even faster. Don’t take advantage of your time in high school. Have fun and don’t hold yourself back. Right now as a freshman with a week of school left, I can say that my first year of high school felt like a month. There were memories made and things happened I won’t ever forget. So make those memories and do as much as you can. Go to the football games and school dances because those are events you won’t ever forget.

High school is a time where everyone goes through some kind of change. This change could be big or small. It could be a change of friend groups or maybe trying something new like a sport. Changes are not bad. Some things change for the better and everything has a reason for happening. If a change starts to happen, let it happen because it could benefit you or someone else.

Four years sounds like a long time and like it will go slow. That’s what I thought before starting high school. Now it’s the end of May and summer break starts next week. You can’t change how fast or slow things go but don’t let little things get in the way of having a good time. There will be low points in high school but that is part of life. Mistakes and low points can help you learn and can make you a better person overall. Don’t let little things that don’t matter get to you because before you know it, you will be walking across the stage getting your diploma and becoming an adult. If you worry about little things that won’t matter after high school, you will regret it because you wasted so much time away that could have been spent on making memories.

High school will teach you many life lessons to prepare you for your future. Take advantage of your mistakes and learn from them so you can be a successful person when you are older. Enjoy your time, have fun, and make memories.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece based on my experiences of my first year of high school. It gives advice about high school and things I have learned and taught myself this year. 

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