Homesick in College | Teen Ink

Homesick in College

November 28, 2019
By thunn BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
thunn BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Students enrolled in colleges across the world get homesick at one time or another. Reasons students may feel homesick are: adjusting to new schedules from summer or highschool, making new friends, trying to succeed in classes or athletics, or living independently and taking care of themself (College). Students may feel a longing for their families in the situations mentioned before because being independent for the first time and mass amounts of schoolwork are pretty hefty responsibilities to accomplish. Sometimes, students want to go home to be with their families and catch up with them. Being homesick leaves students feeling withdrawn and anxious. It also affects students’ grades which affects their GPAs. On average, homesickness affects about seven percent, or about one million, of students across America alone (College). In college, people are finally independent and learning how to live life on their own, but this is hard to do. This leads students to want to go back home for some quality family time in the middle of a semester. Homesickness can also cause social problems with students feeling withdrawn and secluded from their friends. Homesickness is a severe aspect that affects some college students due to being independent for the first time and many other reasons. 

Part one to my solution to this problem is that colleges should let students have a four day weekend every four weeks to go home to their families. Colleges would not give them any extra work, only a reasonable amount for a weekend. This solution would be implemented in every college in the United States and is for all students. Part two is that national airlines will give these students discounts of up to forty percent on their air fees depending on where they are coming from and where they are going. As for the students, it is optional, but it is recommended they go and see their families and friends and use this opportunity to. There would be no lost time in class because everyone would be able to get his time off. If students choose not to go, then they can stay at the campus and do whatever they would like. My solution to homesickness in college students is four day weekends and discounted air fees so that college students can see their families. 

Homesickness causes depression and anxiety in students, and my solution will help fix that problem. A little more than seven percent, or about one million, of all college students in the United States alone, long to see their families and become depressed because they can not see them (College). Most are not able to see their families every weekend due to being in an out of state college. This solution will help these people to both see their families and help them concentrate more on their school work. It will help them become less depressed and anxious. It will also help with students’ social lives with their friends. It will improve their friendships and relationships with their families. This solution will also help it will give students more time to finish their work while spending time with their families. In short, students may feel happier that they have had time to spend with their families due to this solution. Some students do get homesick and have a longing for their families, but in college, it is hard to get a chance to go home to see them. With all the school work and multiple classes, the only time they get to go home is for holidays, but sometimes they have so much work that they can not even go home over holidays. So, in order to combat this problem, students should get a free four day weekend every four weeks, and individual airlines will give them discounts on their flights. In the future, my solution would help many students become happier by seeing their families and friends back home and therefore get better grades while being able to see their families regularly. 

The author's comments:

I felt that college students should have more time off because they get so stressed with the number of responsibilities and work they have to get done. 

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