Nursing | Teen Ink


March 1, 2021
By abunderwood BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
abunderwood BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nursing is a very important job in the medical field and best suits those who are caring and hardworking.

Nursing contains a wide variety of professions, so an RN has a lot of options. Explore Health Careers says, “Nursing offers a wide range of career opportunities—from entry-level practitioner to doctoral-level researcher. Nurses are hands-on health professionals who provide focused and highly personalized care.” They also include the fact that the demand for nurses is climbing in today’s society, so becoming an RN would be not only a dream of mine but helpful to others. RN’s can choose between many specialties, experimenting and learning about what fits them and their strengths and interests best. Although there are different requirements for different specialties, nursing school can be a quick, or lengthy process.

Nursing school has a lot of different options that appeal to many different people. The article “Nursing Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia,” talks about the origin of nursing schools and degrees, and how they have changed and evolved to adapt to the constant change in medicine today. Nursing students used to learn by shadowing other nurses and learning based on their treatment of patients. Now, students learn in classrooms, and in hospitals to get a deeper understanding of the best patient care. The way and time nursing students spend their education determines their job options and salary. 

The education program that a nursing student goes through greatly determines their skill set and level of patient care permitted. All Nursing Schools says, “Perhaps the factors that have the most influence on how much you can make as an RN are the degree you hold and your years of experience as an RN.” The amount of school a nursing student completes determines their career path. “Nurses can work as RNs with either a two-year Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.” Depending on how much you strive to make, you can choose different levels of education. The more educated and experience an RN is, the possibility of a higher salary will be available to you. Because there are so many options for an RN, different skill sets are required for different specialties. Nursing would be a great option for me because I am very good and taking care of others. Everyone approaches caregiving differently, which is helpful in deciding a specialty that correlates with your techniques.  

Nursing is the perfect career path for me because I hold all of the characteristics of a good nurse. I am very caring and love taking care of people which is the sole purpose of a nurse. Nursing education comes in many different forms that appeal to others differently and lead to many different job options. You can either choose to complete a two-year degree or obtain a bachelor’s degree to become a Registered Nurse. Depending on your education plan, there are many different levels of care in many different specialties that all approach patient care differently. These different jobs have different salaries, so depending on how much I can and am willing to work, and my family life, I can earn and work more or less. The skills a good nurse has come not only from education and experience but also from their view on things and your compassion for others. Becoming a nurse would benefit patients greatly because of how good I am at taking care of others.


Works Cited

“Registered Nurse (RN).”, 2016,  

Malvik, Callie. “What Does a Registered Nurse Do? (Understanding Their Impact) | Rasmussen College.”, 2018, 

“Nursing: Explora Public Libraries.”, Accessed 2 Feb. 2021. 

Gaines, Kathleen. “Nursing School Prerequisites: The Complete Guide to Getting into Nursing School.”, 1 June 2020, 

The author's comments:

I am a junior at Piedmont High School, and I plan on majoring in nursing in college because it has always been my dream job and I believe it would be a great fit for me.

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