Why I Write | Teen Ink

Why I Write

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

I write. To get brain exercise. It's what I was told to do. My mom would be proud. It's how I express my ideas. It will improve my skills that I need for other subjects. BECAUSE I AM BORED STARING AT THIS KEYBOARD. To stimulate my ideas. To add words to my vocabulary. When it is something I am interested in.


To daydream while also doing something productive. Whenever I am pondering what goes through the minds of the evilest people. To learn new emoticons 0-0. So that when I am procrastinating, I can gaslight myself into thinking I have done something useful. To increase my typing/writing skills so that mithakez lek tis don hapn. To improve hand eye coordination. To make plans, so I don’t forget stuff.  QWERTYUIOP. To know what to say so that when I am on stage, I won’t have to have a panic attack. It strengthens my hand and arm muscles. To sound like a politician.


For when I die, people will know why I wrote, and then maybe take my ideas to inspire them.

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