Do Younger Kids Experience More Anxiety Than Other Generations? | Teen Ink

Do Younger Kids Experience More Anxiety Than Other Generations?

December 6, 2018
By chlorinecurrant BRONZE, Austin, Texas
chlorinecurrant BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What do you think are the leading causes of anxiety among people your age?

The Younger generation of Millennials and Generation Z has been feeling more and more anxiety as they continue to grow up compared to when our parents and grandparents were younger. These past few years have been affecting these kids with multiple things, such as school shootings, social media, and growing social responsibilities. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problems of kids and teenagers.

Why might kids be getting anxiety now more than then? Younger generations like Millenials are now having to face economic challenges more than ever, with the rising unemployment, the increase of student debt from colleges and universities and the rising of apartment and house prices. These factors create a whirlwind of chaos and anxiety about their future in our society which will make them asset broke and debt rich overall. “High school students today have more anxiety symptoms and are twice as likely to see a mental health professional as teens in the 1980s”

The social, political and environmental problems of this time are likely what’s causing an increase in the number of teens who have depressive or anxiety episodes. The number of episodes has gone up 37 percent between 2005 and 2014. For psychologists, anxiety is connected or associated with the incapacity to be able to deal with uncertainty, meaning that the anxiety is bound to increase. Since it is hard to understand what is happening in the world at the present and even more difficult to know what might happen in the future.

Whether we like it or not anxiety is rising in the newer generations and we should start doing something about it.

Admin, GWI. “Millennials Are the ‘Anxious Generation.’” Global Wellness Institute, 9 May 2017.

Institute, Childmind. “Anxiety and Depression in Adolescence.” Child Mind Institute, Child Mind Institute, 2017.

The author's comments:

A small berry worrying about peoples mental health~

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