Bullying Must Be Stopped | Teen Ink

Bullying Must Be Stopped

March 4, 2019
By Anonymous

Did you know bullying has caused suicide teen deaths? See bullying is a very bad problem in today’s society. We have a big problem that we need to solve.

Bullying is or can be on social media, physically or etc. Now and days it’s most likely going to be on social media. Social media has really taken a huge part in bullying. For Example, We have instasnaps and videos on Instagram. They were making videos about beating little kids that went viral. The little boys was in middle school in the 6th grade then these 8 grade boys came to his school and was beating the little boy in the bathroom. The boys got caught doing it after 2 months of brutally beating the little boy up. The 8th grade boys posted the video on social media and they teased the little boy. The little boy killed himself. Social Media just makes it worse then what it needs to be.

Bullying has made kids suffer their lives by committing suicide. According to stopbullying, the last 3 years there have been a total of 167 suicide deaths because of bullying. I knew this kid named John that committed suicide because of bullying. He was getting called ugly and short and he committed suicide. He had 2 little brothers looking up to him and he killed himself over bullying. His little brothers cared about him. His mom wasn’t there for him and his brothers so he doing the dirty work in the family but now that he’s gone no one is going to help his brothers. This is all over bullying. Somebody has to step up and make a stand this isn’t right. This must end!(MLA- Stop bullying)

I think we put a end to bullying. It has affected our society or world in a major way. It has caused our people to lose their lives because they didn’t want to go through it anymore.I don’t think this is right man. This making me angry writing this article. Trust me bullying isn’t good for the world it’s taking our people. It’s all laugh and games until one of your family members commit suicide then you will be sad or mad. This isn’t what we are here for. We are here to do something in life not bring people down or make a person commit suicide.

The lawmakers need to make a law stating that if you are bullying you get a bad, really bad consequence by the judge. This applies for the ages from 9 up. I think it will put a end to bullying. It will make people think before they bully another person.

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yourmomlol said...
on Mar. 13 2019 at 1:30 pm
yourmomlol, New York, New York
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