You ARE Important. | Teen Ink

You ARE Important.

November 8, 2011
By Jenley BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jenley BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can take the kid from the fight, but you cant take the fight from the kid.

Have you ever felt like you aren't needed in this world? Like you don't belong? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't, but the bottom line here is you shouldn't.

Think of it like baking a cake. When you bake a cake, you need all of the basic ingredients right? You need flour, eggs, sugar, etc. But what if the eggs decided they weren't important enough and left? What would happen then? Let me tell you, you would get one screwed up cake.

See, I don't know the answers to the questions in life. Not yet at least. But thinking you're not important now is like already giving up on a journey not yet begun. I understand life can be hard, people can be cruel, and you can get hurt, but despite all the crap life will put you through, it will only make you stronger. I know, I know, you have probably heard it a million times, but it's true.

When I was in kindergarten through 3rd grade, I was teased because of my beauty mark on the left side of my lip. I was told that nobody would ever like me and that my parents thought I was a disgusting freak of nature. I know now it wouldn't hurt me, but when you say those kinds of things to a little kid, it makes them feel unimportant. I know I used to lock myself in my room and cry until I could cry no more.

The message I'm trying to get out here is that no one is better than any other. We're all important in our own ways, and we should appreciate the fact that we're still alive. There is a possibility that tomorrow we wont be, so make the best of your life today, and start to remind yourself that you ARE important.

The author's comments:
I hope people will understand not to listen to other people and realise their importance.

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