cutting not the end | Teen Ink

cutting not the end

December 17, 2012
By Anonymous

Cutting we’ve all hear of that term someone whose screwed up and hates themselves so much that they slash their wrists’. Yeah we all know “those people” but that’s just it cutters are the “those people” of society but what about the others, yes there’s others.
One in 12 teens self harm 70% of them cut 30% do other forms of self harm. Rewind. What is self harm? Well the word pretty much sums it up, people who inflict pain on themselves. So that means that a lot of self harming teens don’t just “cut”. Now this hits home for me because I was one of the 30%.
It started when we first moved and then when I got my baby sister. Since I was stressed I started pulling my hair, I ended up bald. Then the monster of self harm appeared when I was in high school this time it came in the form of punching myself but most it was the hitting my head against the wall so much that I would have a head ace for days. Know what I never cut.
I always thought that there was nothing wrong with this, because I never cut. Then I started to wonder. I spent endless night researching this topic and I was shocked to realize the horror stories with self harm. With cutting all you get left with is scars and maybe a hurt muscle but that is all. With other ways of self harm you can: get unconscious, burns, broken bones, diseases from old needles, and poison in your system. Surprisingly we consider this not as “bad” as a simple cut. Why is cutting ranked so high? Why do we allow there to be teens who think their fine just because they chose to hurt themselves in less healthy ways then cutters
So what do we do? how do we save a generation with emotional and physical scars that still think their fine.
We talk
We need to have other kinds of self harm more known and better understood and to let teens know that they’re not alone and that help is available. I’ve started to go to counselling and I’m amazed by how much my counsellor has helped me and I hope that this will help others get the help that is available and that they need.
Most importantly
You’re not alone

The author's comments:
i know some people experiences would be worse then mine and i respect that i just hope that this helps

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