What about the consequences? | Teen Ink

What about the consequences?

May 6, 2013
By gfdsa BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
gfdsa BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What about the consequences?

“In the place I come from, society was composed of three simple categories: the killers, the victims, and the bystanders.” That was stated by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. In today’s society that is still true. But I believe there should be no bystanders. There should be people helping others because it’s a moral many people hear. People should do the right thing no matter the consequences. Everyone should acknowledge and follow this.

There are many morals to live by in life. Doing the right thing and ignoring the consequences is one of the important ones. My whole life I grew up being taught to be respectful towards others by being polite and having good manners. Being polite to others can make them happy and yourself happy. If you don’t do the right thing it can result in the karma. If you do the right thing it may result in good karma. One example is from The Book Thief which is a book we read in our English class. Its takes place during the Nazi Holocaust and death is the narrator of the book. There was a German family who were helping a severely sick Jew. Even though they were supposed to turn him in because there was a Jew in their home they decided to help. Doing this could result in tremendous consequences but they did the right thing. They wanted to help the sick Jew to make him feel better and not let him die in their home. They could of left the Jew for dead but then karma could of came back to bite them later.

Not too long ago a tragic event occurred in the city of Boston. During the 117th annual Boston marathon there was a bomb that went off near the finish line. At least 4 dead and 200 injured in the cause of this bomb. That had all of America stand up for the injured and ones that were lost. In the clips they show on the news when the explosives go off people are hurt and on the ground. But the natural instinct of a human is to run from danger or something that could potentially put you in danger. Yes some did run for their safety but then again some decided not to. In the videos it showed that some came to help the injured. It was most needed and appreciated. It showed no matter who you are you can always help. In that event that was doing the right thing. Even though they were put in the position that they could get hurt themselves they still decided to help. This tragedy really brought Americans closer together. I always look to help others, especially my Mom; if it is by opening a door, carrying groceries, cooking, or to drive her somewhere. I know it is the right thing to do and it takes some wait of her shoulders. Given that she has brought me to this world, I believe that I should always respect her for that and do my part. I could be watching a game or doing something else although I know it’s the respectful action to do.

If you are ever in the situation that you can make the right choice you should do it. If its helping you, family, friends, or even a complete stranger that choice matters. We all have friends and family in our life that may not always make the right decisions in a situation. Then we have the ones the ones that do absolutely nothing. Which, according to Elie Wiesel; would be in the category of bystanders. Back in eight grade I was not a bystander. Our school went to Washington D.C for the class field trip. We went to a lot of great places and saw a lot. The top floor of a mall is where I no longer became a bystander. There was a mentally handicapped older gentlemen on the top floor where my friend and I were looking around at. We first noticed him when he kept standing up, doing fighting like actions, and blurted out swear words in public. As if he was fighting and arguing with himself. He soon started to get attention from strangers around. My friend and I were getting closer to the scene. As I got closer I saw a teenagers around my age to start to pull out there phones. They were going to record the handicapped man. I was disgusted that they were going to do that so I stepped in. I went in front of the teenagers and told them to put their phones away. Knowing that it was a risky move by having no idea how they were going to react, I went with my gut. They could of walk past me to continue their recording or tried to start a fight with me. I thought past the consequences and thought about the decision. I know I made the right decision.

Everyone has the choice to make their own decisions. It just matters what decision you make. Just forget about the consequences because in the end the good decision is better. All three examples show that you should do thing no matter the consequences. From The Book Thief, to the Boston Marathon Bombing, and also my personal story it shows to make the good choices.

The author's comments:
You should always make the right choices in life.

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This article has 1 comment.

Ellodan BRONZE said...
on May. 15 2013 at 7:50 pm
Ellodan BRONZE, Tifton, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments
Consequences will either change, bend, or kill your life if you do not do it right.