PLease let me pee in peace | Teen Ink

PLease let me pee in peace

May 24, 2013
By Anonymous

On average, one third of Americans don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom; Couple that with the already irrational fear of germs nowadays, and public bathrooms turn into dreaded places full of awkward and uncomfortable situations. Say you meet and old acquaintance in a public restroom that you haven’t seen in a while, now say he or she would like a handshake, however while in the bathroom you noticed that he or she did not wash their hands. What do you do, shake the acquaintances hand or call him out on it? While the answer may not be a clear or obvious one, simply not talking to another person would have stopped the whole scenario from occurring, the point I am trying to get at is don’t socialize with other people in the bathroom.
Now while there are differences in how women and men may act in the bathroom, this is aimed at men. That’s right men; ignoring the two stall rule or any other frowned upon action. These things are frowned upon for a reason, and as such shouldn’t be done. Talking to another person while releasing your “thoughts” is grosser than one would be led to believe, it’s like you wouldn’t let someone talk to you while eating it’s considered rude and gross. So why socializing in the bathroom? One could say it’s because it’s a place to relax and as such we let down the barriers that protect us from the high expectations of today’s society like common courtesy or manners. Or one could also say that it’s my pee and I’ll do what I want with it. Point in case let’s cut the crap out of talking to people on the john, and if you really must talk to them do it when you’re both done using the restroom.
Unlike a most articles this was not written by a professional whose job is on the line and would have to stay within certain perimeters. Nor is there any bias or say agenda in this article other than I’d rather not have people willingly urinate next to me, and I’m not alone this problem persists in aiding people’s fear of public restrooms. My hope is that maybe in reading this article you’ll see another side of the argument and at least consider not socializing in the bathroom, come guys is it really that hard to let people like me pee in peace.

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