This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

October 28, 2013
By mclovee SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
mclovee SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing Gold Can Stay. - Robert Frost

Little Things Matter Most

Remember that old saying “Enjoy the little things.”? Well regardless of anyone else’s take on this cliché, I believe it has a great, relevant meaning. If you took a step back and looked at how you’re living your life through an outsider’s eyes, would you be pleased? When was the last time you actually took a moment to appreciate small actions that make big differences, like double stuffed oreo cookies or when a baby laughs at you? Those priceless things that make you feel warm inside, the little things.
A day that will forever be engraved in my memory will be October 31st, 2011. I reminisce about that time and still believe it was one of the happiest nights of my life. I know what you must be thinking, something like “Oh it was Halloween night, you probably went to an insane party and had a great time.” or something like that. Well you’re wrong. My current boyfriend at the time and I ditched our friends and stayed inside that night. The sun was almost hidden behind the horizon of the river and there was a light storm outside. Wearing big comfortable pajamas and watching old scary movies, we occasionally got up to pass out candy to the kids, maybe scaring them once or twice as they walked back down the driveway. We made ourselves a poorly presented quesadilla dinner and listened to music along with the pitter patter of falling rain outside. It was an enchanted night that I know I’ll never forget.
Now to a stranger that may seem like the most boring and uneventful night they’ve ever heard of, but not me. Although that boy is long gone and probably out of my life for good, I’ll always think of that night as one of the best. It was a small night, a quiet night. A night filled with petty joy and happiness. All because life wasn’t meant to be taken in large movements. The next day will inevitably arrive, you’ll sleep, and already that moments gone. Yet when you have hundreds of a thousand small moments, you can look back and enjoy the picture a lot more.
Look at it this way; you’re not Romeo and/or Juliet. There’s no reason to drink the poison together in some big flame out kind of gesture, so that leaves the matter to the small things. It’s all about lives little details; it’s what makes the big picture come together. Enjoy the little things. This I believe is the key to an extraordinary life.

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