Perspectives | Teen Ink


November 22, 2013
By chicksonfire230 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
chicksonfire230 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do for others more than you do for yourself."

We all have perspectives on things.
Have beliefs & opinions.
We all look at things differently.
We are our own person.
Own body.
Own soul.
Own mind.
That's how the Lord made us.
Different names.
Different faces.
But in life, we have to learn to accept that.
We must respect that.
Can't accept what we can't change, can we?
No, but at least show some respect. God didn't make me like her or him, or you or the,.
Moral story to this, don't change your strong belief on something to make another happy.
There's a reason why we are all different.

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