Social Media: Good or Bad? | Teen Ink

Social Media: Good or Bad?

January 6, 2014
By flair BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
flair BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think we are not using too much information on social media but some people may disagree. One of my main reasons. First off it gives people a chance to connect with new people and make new friends.

I mean sure there are dangers like being abducted , robbed and so on but you have to stop and think. There are good people that are on social media and even if you get harassed the police are always there to warn the FBI of any danger you may be in.

So that’s why I think that people are not using too much information on social media. And just incase you think you are there is a privacy setting to keep every bad person out of your file. And keep you from harm and extremely bad situations and so you do not get blackmailed to pay cash or forced to do inappropriate stuff.

Even if you do the police will track the person down immediately if you report abuse to the police by phone.The police will then look more into this case and when they do and they have enough proof they will then come to the crooks home and arrest him.Then if i am correct you will be able to get your security settings up so that only your friends can see your status and your photos.But watch out because if you Do not have your settings set up right your friends friends can see what you have posted and your friend could have someone that is bad as their friend and they will then try to blackmail you. so what you would have to do is click friends only so that none of your friends friends can see your file and you will be safe from harm. so even though social media has bad stuff like that theres also a positive side.

The positive side of social media is that you get to play games, chat with friends, post pictures and so on. social media brings more fun then it does pain to someone so in my opinion i think social media is also fun i mean what if their is a friend that moved away. And the only time you can see that friend is on that social media network so join. and you can even chat face to face with a long distance friend by using video chat or a microphone. so then you can finally see that friend you have not seen in years.

And as a good friend if you hear a friend has gotten hacked make sure to be there for them. Because most likely the police will solve the case immediately and arrest the crook. But your friend might be scared so u have to warn your other friends and tell them to get there settings fixed fast or they could be next. but another main thing is to fix your friends list because you may have already gone and accepted a bad person as a friend. So tell them to delete everyone they do not know and to only friend people they know and trust. Some of your friends on there could try to blackmail before you delete them so make sure to help your friend stop the person and have him or her clear there list before anything bad comes into play like blackmail and never share your password or e mail with anyone you do not know.

so there are both positives and negatives of social media so you pick is social media good or bad?.

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