Purple, Because Aliens Din't Wear Hats | Teen Ink

Purple, Because Aliens Din't Wear Hats

March 2, 2014
By MaxMcD BRONZE, Hemet, California
MaxMcD BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Purple, Because Aliens Don’t Wear Hats

I sincerely hope life on other planets exists. If it did would they call us aliens like we call them? We would probably move to their planet when ours deteriorates enough. Aliens seem to be a wonder to all humankind.

My first wonder if I met an alien would be what they eat. I would of course have to try it to see if it was good. My second wonder would be what they live in. do they live in these oddly shaped castles like we see in cartoons like Tom and Jerry? They could be completely different than what we expect. For example they could consider pizza a home while eating metal. Another wonder of mine is how are they doing in terms of science? Have they just reached the Stone Age or the ray gun age? When we get to these planets will they have discovered the cure to cancer or the cure to the sniffles?
A completely different topic emerges from this series of questions. How are we going to get to these aliens? If we haven’t created a spaceship that can go at light speed or faster then it will take a millennium to get to a new planet. By then any society fit to go there would have crumbled to bits within the first centuries.
Returning to the original topic now, I have a few more questions. For one, what are these things going to look like? Will they be large, small, green, blue, spotted, or will their ears be on their butt? Most importantly, what will they wear? It doesn’t matter what they look like if they don’t act well. When we get there will they take us to their leader, make us their leader, or kill us for invading them? These are all possibilities.
I imagine that aliens would have advanced societies like ours. How would they react to our advanced society if they found us? Could aliens possibly be more advanced than us and enough so to do the unthinkable find our world?
As much as I’m hoping that we find aliens or they find us My belief is that it will not happen any time in the near future. It may happen tomorrow for all I know.

The author's comments:
It was a fun one to write. I just let all the random questions flow onto the page.

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