Should people that cyberbullying get punish? | Teen Ink

Should people that cyberbullying get punish?

May 26, 2014
By Pedro Rodriguez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Pedro Rodriguez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People that cyber bullying should get punish? A lot of people get cyber bullying on the internet. People like to bully other person because they think is funny. For me cyber bullying should get punish.
Cyber bullying make people suicide by how they take comment so serious. There is still cyber bullying and it’s a big problem for people that care about it. Cyber bullying makes the other person mad. Sometimes they repeat the same thing or say new things.
Some people suicide because it might be criminal action or not. 42% percent of children have been bullied and 35% have been threatened online. Peer approval is very important to children. Cyber bullying can have negative or even destructive emotions effects.

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