The Declaration Of Independence: Insanity | Teen Ink

The Declaration Of Independence: Insanity

August 4, 2014
By Jkw7072 BRONZE, King George, Virginia
Jkw7072 BRONZE, King George, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
*personal quote meaning from me?**nah*<br /> &quot;We accept the love we think we deserve.&quot; <br /> &quot;We&#039;re all mad here.&quot;

I have realized through human events that the only thing restricting humans from what they desire is sanity. Humans aren’t free from being sane and that restricts their desires. Human kind deserves the right to separate themselves from sanity.

Sanity is the bane of human existence. Why do the people of this world deserve to be imprisoned by this “disease” called sanity? It doesn’t allow the people to freely express themselves nor let them imagine all the possibilities in life.

Insanity opens the mind to the impossible and rewires the brain to make it possible. Humans are in fear of insanity due to sanity judging the people.

Making people believe that being “crazy” is a sin. Insanity is a beautiful being allowing the person to live freely without caring about labels.

Sanity destroys the beauty of the impossible. Sanity lies to people telling them they have to be normal. Sanity clings to the individual’s brain, gnawing on any originality the person had so it disappears from existence. Sanity makes every insane person believe they aren’t welcomed (not that the insane care). The insane people are the ones who are brilliant. The sane just don’t want to accept it. Sanity is the reason life is dull. Dull with no purpose but to carry on with the boring everyday routine making the people believe they are content. Sanity
watches over the people and laughs as they stumble through life searching for the meaning of it all.

After a hard battle with sanity, I am finally free. Insanity welcomed me into my “rebirth” and roams my brain, how thrilling it all is. I am able to think about the impossibilities and perfect the impossible. Insanity allows me to separate myself from the others who are sane. I am now able to do whatever I want without having the nagging voice in the back of my mind. Insanity has brought me to this beautiful room with all white walls, a single door, and bed where I’m strapped in at night to provide extra comfort. Being freed from sanity has released me into the world that is new and free. I promise you that I will never go back.

The author's comments:
Again this is a school assignment that my history teacher gave. He wanted us to make our own Declaration Of Independence.


This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 7 2015 at 9:41 pm
Please don't romanticize mental illness.