The Land of the Selfish and the Home of the Hopeless | Teen Ink

The Land of the Selfish and the Home of the Hopeless

January 12, 2015
By Cyanna Loretto BRONZE, VIsta, California
Cyanna Loretto BRONZE, VIsta, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Daily we are consumed by ourselves, how many times do you honestly question how the lives of the people around you are doing? We can’t help but think about ourselves constantly wondering how we are looking or feeling. The thought of being trapped and consumed in ourselves is killing this generation. The social media is doing no help in making us the selfless people we were made to be. This generation is being trained to not care for others but oneself in the gratification of freedom and favor of our peers. Have you ever once thought of the starving children around the world? Or the innocent girls being taken and sold into sex trafficking? Maybe once this idea has slipped into your mind, but have you ever moved beyond just a thought? I know I have done this, and I personally have been overcome with the guilt of my idle movements to help the hurting overcome this. “The time is always right to do what is right” Martin King Jr. once said. We as a generation see the problems around us and have a sense of yearning for change but we are blinded by our own selfish ambition. Whether we are afraid of what people think or are discouraged by our youth. I know we can always strive to make a change and in the struggle for triumph in a situation good fruit will prosper from it. The time for change is at our fingertips we just have to take the step of courage to be the selfless beings we were made to be.

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