American Flag | Teen Ink

American Flag

November 5, 2015
By koltn BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
koltn BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What do people all around the world know about America? Do they think we are the best? Yes. Do they know us as having the biggest army? Yes. Do they know us by the flag and what it stands for? Well some do, but not all.

For People living in America, they know the American Flag is the United States symbol of freedom. As long as this one flag is still standing, we will never lose our freedom. Looking back a few hundred  years ago, American people were proud to serve our country and after every success, an American flag could be seen standing tall in the ground waving in the wind.  Once again peace and freedom has been restored.

But the Flag doesn't just mean freedom, it also means respect. When a soldier spends 5 years in the army defending our country, he gives up his life for our freedom.   When a soldier dies in the line of duty, during their funeral, their family receives  an American flag for him giving his life just because of how much he loves this country.

For many of the people in this country they think it's easy to still have the flag standing every morning when people wake up. But really it's hard on the other side of the earth in Iraq where thousands of soldiers die just so we don't lose the freedom we have in the US.

The American flag is the most recognized flag in world because either we have helped other countries fight or we have fought against them in war. There have been many chances we could have lost the flag but “We The People” in America we keep fighting and giving our lives to keep that flag for how much we love how everything is right now.

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