What the US Flag Represents | Teen Ink

What the US Flag Represents

November 6, 2015
By kellisscreenname BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
kellisscreenname BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whenever you say a word, every person has a different first thought.

The American Flag. I see myself in kindergarten standing up saying the Pledge of Allegiance every day. Not being able to remember it at first, but now wouldn’t be able to forget it if I tried.  To many, the flag represents freedom, growth, love, opportunity, and hope. I think it represents all of these aspects, and more.

The growth and development that our country has gone through is amazing. Almost every aspect of our lives has changed even in the past ten years. From technology, to equal rights, to love and to laws.

Our generation is so much more accepting than generations in the past. I think that’s something really special and something to be proud of. Say what you want, love who you want, wear what you want. We say this and still respect others and their choices, and I think that’s awesome.

The growth of our technology use is tremendous. Just 15 years ago we didn’t have iphones, and ipods, and ipads. Things were more traditional, and less tech savvy. We use technology every day throughout our day. I think that’s something that older people in this generation need to accept. The fact that we have come so far in just a matter of years is amazing.

The American Flag represents different things to different people and I think that creates a diverse country that we encourage. We have many different types of cultures, but in the end we all cherish the same American Flag.

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