Donald Trump for President? | Teen Ink

Donald Trump for President?

November 6, 2015
By courtneyp BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
courtneyp BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Donald Trump should not be elected for the president of the United States. Trump has a net worth of 4.5 billion dollars, according to Forbes. Does he know about politics or does he just pay someone to make it seem like he has knowledge in politics?  He doesn’t see America as a country, but as a business. He claims to be the “somebody who can take the brand of the United States and make it great again.” Since when has the United States been labeled as a “brand” and not a country? Being wealthy doesn’t enable someone to run a country full of people with needs, wants, and desires.


For example, Obama served as a senator of Illinois for eight years, Polk served as a state senator, and even Abraham Lincoln served as a state legislator. Our greatest past presidents have had at least some type of interaction in the world of politics. From state senator, to U.S. representative, they have served in some type of political role. Has Trump done any of such? No, he hasn’t. And sadly, that says more than enough. Trump believes that the president should be someone with the most money out of the candidates. He even claimed to be the “most successful person to ever run for the presidency, by far.” One should not see the opportunity to be America’s leader as a chance to make money, but a chance to lead and better this country.


Trump is accustomed to being rich and cannot relate to those who are not as fortunate. How can he make America better when he can just “pay someone to do” whatever he needs them to do? Even if it is a simple job, he still hires them just because he can.  He is fascinated by money, “gambling with other people’s money” in order to gain more money. Who’s to say that he won’t do the same with the finances of America? Citizens work hard to keep this country running just as hard as the officials that guide us. Someone who gambles with the finances of others should not be in office.


Yes I know that he is a “leader” and a “winner,” but can he truly lead America into a new era of development? No, he cannot and that is all that it boils down to. Trump has played around with running for office in 1988, 2000, 2004, 2008, and even 2012. Obviously there was a reason he never succeeded. He shouldn’t succeed in this period either. With the many issues in America, we do not need or want someone who sees being president as an opportunity to treat his title as a television show.


This is a country, not a business. America needs a leader. Not a businessman. Trump is a businessman, not fit for president.

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You suck said...
on Oct. 10 2017 at 11:21 am
You suck. This essay sucks. It's based on emotion and not fact.