Should Scientists Try to Beat Old Age? | Teen Ink

Should Scientists Try to Beat Old Age?

January 8, 2016
By RoyalJones BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
RoyalJones BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should scientists try to ‘beat old age’ so we can live longer? Subconsciously most Americans would think this idea is great. However, if Americans were to think a bit more about what this question on old age is asking, rather than overlooking the actual problem - they’ll understand who is actually at fault for our life expectancy decrease: scientists. They flood our foods with lots of chemicals, which is a prime cause of low life expectancy nowadays. Also medication has its effects too; it makes your body adapt to its effects and when it wears off you begin to see its true effects. People who are not in tune with what they eat and what's really going on with their foods would disagree with my statements and would argue that without the processing of our food, food would become scarce which will cause war and tragedy amongst us Americans; but what they overlook is the fact that they do not know how to live naturally anymore. Thus, I do not think scientists should try to “beat old age.”

First, many people fail to realize old age is not the real problem but rather scientists who are continuously putting chemicals in everything we put into our bodies. Our bodies experience a lot of chemical reactions, therefore when hormones and other things are being integrated into our foods, soaps, even our air, they interrupt our bodies’ natural chemical reactions. Americans wonder why other countries around the world have longer life expectancies; their food processing - if any - is much less prevalent than the United states, because many countries grow their foods naturally. Scientists are only helping to lower life expectancy.

Secondly, another problem would be not only the types of food but the amount eaten by consumers. Consumers complain about weight and health issues, but are blind to the simple fact that what is being eaten is a prime cause for their bad condition. Certain foods and minerals Americans eat tend to break down the body much faster than the human body should. My father always stresses the fact that our bodies just aren’t capable of digesting certain foods such as corn, which - as result of scientists making ways to produce more food - seems to always find it’s way into everything we eat. As a result of bad food choices these food products break down our bones and cells causing us to die quicker

Furthermore, medications that are meant to alter nature, don’t always help, and they end up having huge demerits that cause problems for the patient in question. These drugs are meant to adapt to the human body for a certain period of time, and then wear out afterwards. This - without question - has a more tremendous amount effect on the human body than anything else would. Prescription medication and drugs intervene with your mental and physical being as well; their purpose is to have your body adapt to the chemical reaction so that the medication can fulfill purpose to “cure” your body. Hence, this problem with medicine supports my claim that old age and low life expectancy rates increase as scientist try to “fix” it.

Lastly, some might argue that the way food is being produced is essential for America, given that it is such a highly populated country. Without the chemicals that are put into our food, companies aren't going to be able to produce enough food to feed everyone. This will result in a corrupted population, fighting to survive. Americans are so used to having more than enough supplies in general they’ll turn savage when things seem to be a bit more scarce than usual. They wouldn’t know how to use natural resources to survive and that’s where their dependence upon processed food becomes problematic. Americans follow anything because they don’t know better; they have no idea what’s being put into their bodies nor what it does. So it’s clear that scientists shouldn’t try to ‘beat old age.’
In conclusion, scientists should not try to ‘beat old age’ but should let up on trying to intervene with natural processes such as aging.

The author's comments:

I love to write on topic especially about problems we deal with in real life. I feel like most of the current problem America has such as low life expectancies are highly developing issues that are being aloud because Americans a blinding themselves. Scientists are experimenting on Americans but they are so manipulated they can not see this real distinct problem.

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