Think Pink | Teen Ink

Think Pink

February 17, 2009
By Anonymous

This new trend of pink is taking over women all over the world. This is about everywhere you see'on the elderly ladies to a tiny infant girl. The pink ribbon that symbolizes breast cancer. It shows supports. It shows experience. And most of all, it shows us a warning.

My great aunt died from breast cancer two years ago. According to my family, she didn't know. This ignorance caused her death. By being more aware of breast cancer, you can prevent death. Many women think they won't be able to get it. But it's time to take that invincible armor off and go see the doctor for an evaluation to ease any suspicion. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of female deaths. The population of women is quickly decreasing because of it.

The American Cancer Society says that about 40,000 people die each year because of breast cancer. Breast cancer awareness will help so many people. You can help save a life, whether it is yourself or someone else, by wearing or just simply THINKING PINK!


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