Cake Shop | Teen Ink

Cake Shop

December 12, 2017
By XxJonathanxX BRONZE, Wilmington, California
XxJonathanxX BRONZE, Wilmington, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you want to be not what others want to see

Jonathan H.

Hey Teens!!! My name is Jonathan H. The article i'm going to explain to you is the Cake shop insident.

The side im with is the gay couples side because they did nothing wrong to make the shop owner not bake them a cake.

So the short break down of it is a gay couple asked for a wedding cake, but the cake shop owner (Charlie) told the employees to reject the wedding cake.

After that happened the couple they took the case to court. The couple won the case which made the owner of the shop shut down his whole shop or stop making wedding cakes.

Then the owner finally chose and it was to stop making wedding cakes.

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